public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags "web 2.0" & security

May 2009

Step through Securing your Grails application

Grails provides all the basic building blocks you need to put together a secure Web application. Setting up an authentication infrastructure answers the question, "Who are you?" Get a hands-on lesson in enabling logins, limiting activity based on whether or not the User is logged in, and how to add in some authorization based on the User's role.

April 2009

Best practices in securing a Web Server

Securing a Web Server and your hosted applications is indeed a daunting task, but it's not an impossible one. As a public resource, a Web Server is like "bloody shark bait" for some. But it doesn't have to be: Learn to guard against the serious threats to your public Web Servers with a heavy dose of prevention.

February 2009

Understand the Anatomy of a Web attack or else

Never underestimate or lose respect for those looking to do you harm: You do so at your own peril. Today, more and more applications are being hosted on the Internet. As organizations have moved their applications to this environment, the threats have increased 100-fold. To avoid becoming a victim, understand what you face, how attacks are carried out, and how you can employ proper defensive measures. A little research and understanding can go a long way.

December 2008

Web developer can't afford to ignore Web 2.0 Spam

Real Web 2.0 means harnessing the power of social groups to improve information systems. This will invariably attract nasty people who look for the crackes to take advantage of you and me. Part 1 of this series shows you how to assess visitor behavior and control workflow to reduce Web 2.0 spam.