public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags "web 2.0" & iphone


Learn HTML5 with these 4 quick HTML5 coding examples

In Tip-1, learn about the File API and how to drag & drop hard drive files to a webpage. In Tip-2 you code HTML5 using ContentEditable and LocalStorage to create a web sticky note. In Tip3 you will learn how to code HTML5 geolocation for the iPhone. In Tip-4 learn how easy it is to code drag and drop.


How the iPhone can be a web storefront game changer

What is significant about the iPhone is not necessarily the phone itself, but rather the shift in the way web business will be done now that mobile phones with robust browsers have arrived on the scene. This article discusses the ramifications of purchasing goods and services with your phone and provides the starting point to deploy an Apple iPhone-enabled web storefront.