public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tag java

September 2010

Resolve common concurrency problems with GPars

The shift toward multicore processing has fueled an interest in concurrent programming models like fork/join, actors, agents, and executors. While these models originated within different programming languages, many of them are encapsulated in GPars, a Groovy-based concurrency library. With Alex Miller as your guide, learn how to resolve concurrency problems using techniques drawn from both the functional and object-oriented programming worlds — and do it all using Groovy's familiar, Java-friendly syntax.

August 2010

Java development 2.0: Sharding with Hibernate Shards

Among various sharding implementations, Hibernate Shards is possibly the most popular in the world of Java technology. For some shops, sharding means being able to keep a trusted RDBMS in place without sacrificing data scalability or system performance. In this installment of the Java development 2.0 series, find out when sharding works, and when it doesn't, and then get your hands busy sharding a simple application capable of handling terabytes of data.

5 things you didn't know about command-line flags for the JVM

Java virtual machines come with hundreds of command-line options, which more experienced Java developers can use to tune the Java runtime. Learn how to monitor and log compiler performance, disable explicit garbage collection (System.gc();), extend the JRE, and more.

Ubuntu Linux solution stack implementation Demos

Here is a 4 part demo series to show you how to implement a solution stack (Rational Application Developer, WebSphere Application Server, and DB2 Express-C) on Ubuntu Linux, as well as how to integrate them in a Java application.

Introduction to Java programming Part 1

In Part 1, learn the essentials of object-oriented programming on the Java platform, including fundamental Java syntax and its use.

Introduction to Java programming Part 2

In Part 2 explore the more-sophisticated syntax and libraries you will need to develop complex, real-world Java applications.

Learning FC++: The C++ functional programming library

C++ is usually synonymous with object-oriented programming (OOP), and further replenished in no small measure by popular technical literature. This article tries something different—functional programming with C++ using the open source FC++ library from Yannis Smaragdakis and Brian McNamara. Learn how you can use FC++ to implement basic functional programming.

Evolutionary architecture and emergent design: Building DSLs in Groovy

Internal DSLs are possible but cumbersome in the Java language because of its restrictive syntax. This article covers some of the capabilities you can exploit and issues you'll encounter when using Groovy to build internal DSLs.

5 things you didn't know about Java Database Connectivity

JDBC, or Java Database Connectivity, is one of the most frequently used packages in the entire JDK, and yet few Java developers use it to its fullest — or most up-to-date — capacity. This article offers an introduction to newer JDBC features.

Java development 2.0 Cloud storage with Amazon SimpleDB

In Part 1 of this introduction to SimpleDB, you will learn how to leverage Amazon's own API to model a CRUD-style racing app. In Part 2 Learn how to refactor the racing application from Part 1 to be compliant with the JPA specification. Then you'll port the app to SimpleJPA, which implements a subset of the Java Persistence API.

July 2010

Quick Demo: Ubuntu Linux solution stack implementation

Learn how to download and install a Ubuntu image and then go through some basic shell commands to help you navigate through the Linux environment. This is part 1 of a 4 part demo series to show you how to implement a solution stack (Rational Application Developer, WebSphere Application Server, and DB2 Express-C) on Ubuntu Linux, as well as how to integrate them in a Java application.

Evolutionary architecture and emergent design: Leveraging reusable code - Part 2

Once you identify idiomatic patterns in code, the next step is to harvest and use them. Understanding the relationship between design and code can facilitate the discovery of reusable code. In Part-2 learn two techniques for harvesting idiomatic patterns: capturing patterns as APIs and using metaprogramming techniques.

Evolutionary architecture and emergent design: Leveraging reusable code - Part 1

Once you identify idiomatic patterns in code, the next step is to harvest and use them. Understanding the relationship between design and code can facilitate the discovery of reusable code. In Part-1, learn the relationship between code and design.

Gourmet Java technology for Android applications

Java language is the tool of choice for Android developers. The Android runtime uses its own virtual machine, Dalvik, which is not the usual Java virtual machine that most Java developers are used to. In this article you will learn advanced Java features and how they are implemented on Android. This includes features such as concurrency, networking, and database access.

5 things you didn't know about Java performance monitoring

Blaming bad code won't help you find performance bottlenecks and improve the speed of your Java apps, and neither will guessing. This article directs your attention to tools for Java performance monitoring, Here's five tips for using Java 5's built-in profiler, JConsole, to collect and analyze performance data.

April 2010

Create Flex 4 and Java Web applications

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) often utilize different bundled technologies. Choosing the right grouping of technologies can expedite development time. Discover how to use Java EE platform components on the server side, the Adobe Flex platform on the client side, and the MySQL database server for storage persistence.

February 2010

Debugging and testing Swing the easy way

The two open source tools that this article introduces — Swing Explorer and FEST-Swing — can make debugging and testing of Swing UIs simple and reliable. This article shows how to use them to understand a UI's structure, test how it functions, and troubleshoot issues.

OpenID for Java Web applications, Part 1

Walk through the steps of incorporating OpenID into a sample Java application. Rather than implement the OpenID Authentication specification by hand, author J. Steven Perry uses the openid4java library and a popular OpenID provider, myOpenID, to create a safe and reliable registration process for a Java application written in Wicket.

January 2010

Get to know Apache Click Java EE

Get introduced to Apache Click, a Java EE Web application framework that enables the creation of Web applications without using MVC patterns or JSP. This article provides examples of displaying a simple Web page and creating a Web form that submits data that is displayed on a different Web page.

An introduction to XML

This introduction to XML provides demonstrations of the basics of learning XML, covering topics such as Web 2.0, AJAX, RSS, Web Services and managing XML data. These short Web-based video modules provide clear examples of XML as well as references to popular Web sites that use XML.

Considerations and techniques for agile architecture

This installment of Evolutionary architecture and emergent design tackles a variety of topics related to evolutionary architecture, including the important distinction between design and architecture (and how to tell them apart), some issues that come up when you create enterprise-level architecture, and the difference between static and dynamic typing in service-oriented architectures.

Java development 2.0: Gaelyk for Google App Engine

The introduction of the Google App Engine saw a wave of frameworks emerge to facilitate developing applications targeted for it. The Gaelyk framework, one such framework written in Groovy, eases development of lightweight applications that leverage a datastore. And the scalability you can achieve is impressive.

November 2009

Explore amazing refactoring functions in Eclipse JDT

This article describes the various refactorings available in Eclipse Java™ Development Tools (JDT), including what each refactoring does, when to use it, and how to use it. It also explores the refactoring script functionality in Eclipse, which allows library developers to share code refactorings with their clients.

CRUD Operation using JSF,Web Services and OJB

This article explains the use case of adding, updating, searching and deleting using JSF, Web Services and OJB in WebSphere Integration Developer. The article discusses the steps in developing each layer including the integration among these layers.

REST up with CouchDB and Groovy's RESTClient

A burst of innovation in the open source world over the last few years has led to an increase in Java developer productivity. A promising new entry on the scene is Apache CouchDB, hailed by some as the database for Web 2.0. This Java development 2.0 column introduces CouchDB and shows you how Groovy's RESTClient can help you tap into its strengths.