public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags "web 2.0" & google


Build an OAuth-enabled desktop Twitter client

OAuth is an open protocol that enables users to share their protected resources among different Web sites, without risking exposure. OAuth is an ideal candidate for mashing up today's social networking Web sites like Twitter.


Build your first Android application

Android, a complete operating environment based upon the Linux V2.6 kernel, promises to be a market-moving open source platform that will be useful well beyond cell phones. In this article, learn about the Android platform and how it can be used for mobile and nonmobile applications, then build your first Android application. This simple first app you build will get you started quickly, but beleive me, you'll want to do more after that.

Socially mixing Groovy, Twitter, Google, and a bit of Ajax

In this article, learn how to build a social network with Google Maps, Twitter, Groovy, and Ajax. By combining a Google Map with location information that Twitter exposes, you can create a mashup that allows people to view Twitter in light of a particular location. The simple application this article builds with open APIs, and a bit of imagination, will open yourself up to a whole new world of social applications development. The possibilities are endless. The rest is up to you.


JSP TagLib, JSON, and Ajax enabled cascading drop-downs

Learn how to build a cascading Ajax drop-down control that dynamically populates values in an HTML SELECT control based on other form field values. This article describes how to build an auto-complete control, similar to Google Suggest, that displays a suggestion list that is updated in real time as a user types.

Tap into the Google Geocoder Web service

See for example how the musical group Nine Inch Nails created a geographical download data display, of its new release "The Slip", that it produced using Google Earth and KML. This brilliant concept hints at the possibilities available with Google's Geocoder.

Making use of Google App Engine

The Google App Engine (GAE) makes it easier for you to forget all about managing pools of application servers. Take look at how easy it is to get started with the Google App Engine (GAE). This article walkes you step-by-step through building an Ajax mashup using Eclipse and the deployment it to the GAE.


Better Calendars with Google API and XPath

Google Calendar provides an integration application program interface (API) that provides a good solution to many problems concerning the integrity of calendar entries and maintenance. With XPath you can automatically keep a Web site's display of upcoming events up to date by querying the Google data API event feeds. This article shows you easy to use examples of how to use XPath to extract and display Google Calendar data on your Web site.