public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tag dojo

February 2009

Power-Lift with JSF and Dojo widgets

By leveraging JSF with Dojo technologies, you gain the strengths of both technologies. On the server side, the benefits include end-to-end lifecycle management for components, back-end bean data binding, and event handling. On the client side, you can utilize Dojo's rich widgets, live animations (such as fade and slide), and drag-and-drop. This article explains this process and describes how you can easily build Web applications to give your users a better experience.

December 2007

Hands on Ajax-Dojo based blog reader development

In this article the authors take you through the step-by-step development of a simple Dojo and Atom-based blog reader. You'll use the Dojo toolkit to develop the application, which will communicate with back-end Atom feeds using the Atom Publishing Protocol. You'll also use the Dojo storage package to keep feed subscription data.

February 2007

Zend Core enabled web apps using Ajax with Dojo and DB2

Quickly create a responsive Web application using DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, XQuery, PHP, and the Dojo JavaScript Framework. This tutorial shows you the advantages of the Ajax approach and see a step-by-step implementation. You will be using Zend Core, which conveniently bundles the DB2 9 Express-C data server, Apache2 Web server, PHP scripting language, DB2 extensions for PHP, and a powerful administration console. See how to take advantage of the speedy pureXML capabilities of IBM DB2 9.

solrac's TAGS related to tag dojo

ajax +   java +   Javaserver Faces +   programming +   PureXML +   web 2.0 +   web application +   web development +