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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags "web 2.0" & json

April 2009

Add Ajax and JSON to Java EE apps using JSP talibs

Learn how to use configurable JavaServer Pages (JSP) TagLib-based controls that leverage JavaScript Serialized Object Notation (JSON), JavaScript scripting language, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Because they are standard JSP TagLib controls, find out how you can easily drop them into any Java EE application to provide more intuitive and responsive user user interfaces.

August 2007

Mastering Ajax with JSON on the server side

As discussed in the previous article in this series, JSON is a useful format for Ajax applications because it allows you to convert between JavaScript objects and string values quickly. In this final article of the series, you'll learn how to handle data sent to a server in the JSON format and how to reply to scripts using the same format.