public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags "web 2.0" & Grails

June 2009

Grails file uploads and Atom syndication

Grails is a modern Web development framework that mixes familiar Java technologies like Spring and Hibernate. See how easy it is to implement a Grails file-upload capabilities for the body of a blog entry and put together a hand-rolled Atom feed for syndication.

May 2009

Step through Securing your Grails application

Grails provides all the basic building blocks you need to put together a secure Web application. Setting up an authentication infrastructure answers the question, "Who are you?" Get a hands-on lesson in enabling logins, limiting activity based on whether or not the User is logged in, and how to add in some authorization based on the User's role.

March 2009

A Flex SOA Grails backend with rich GWT frontend UI widgets

In this article you will build a Web application using Grails and the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). You will also use some richer UI widgets from the Ext GWT library. Familiarity with Groovy is great, but not completely necessary.

Rewiring Grails with custom URIs and codecs

This article shows you how to affect the lifeblood of any Web application: the URIs used for navigation. The permalinks back to individual entries are passed around the Internet like calling cards; the more descriptive they are, the more effective they are. Learn how to tweak the UrlMappings.groovy file to create new pathways. And finally, you'll create a custom codec to generate custom URIs more easily.