public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from misspaige with tag blog

May 2006

Take Your Medicine: Impifree Bloggus: An anthropological study into the behaviour and habits of some wonderful creatures.

Impifree Bloggus: An anthropological study into the behaviour and habits of some wonderful creatures.

Stream your iTunes library to any computer

by 1 other
The Profit42 blog has a simple, three-step tutorial for sharing your iTunes library over the internet.

April 2006

|| solutoire is a blog about WordPress, css, ajax, java and my personal life. The blog is powered by WordPress 2.0 and the theme is based on Hemingway and Squible. I've redesigned it and I added some ajax controls like the search engine and the commenting system.

Red Sweater Blog - MacBook Pro: The Whining User

Anybody who knows me or reads this blog has probably started to notice a distinctly unpleasant noise coming out of my office in Somerville, MA. What’s that sound? It’s human whine. I try to be patient with Apple and wait optimistically for a solution that will make everybody happy. But I’m running into more and more problems with the MacBook Pro, and as my frustration about a particular problem compounds into the frustration of the next, the high-pitched whine of my muppet-voice becomes ever more piercing.

The Hater | The A.V. Club

Pop Culture Love Letters

Whiny Guy Feels Trapped By iTunes

by 2 others
You know, the increasing restrictions on the usage of songs and videos bought off of iTunes is beginning to wear on me. Apple needs to take a closer look at the original terms they offered, specifically the number of burned CDs allowed per setlist.

fourfour: Where in the world is Sharon Stone's vagina?

Sharon Stone and Catherine Tramell, her Basic Instinct character, have many things in common, and among the first shared trait that's detectable in Basic Instinct 2 is their love for looking directly into the camera.

Cynical Dad: Ego Tripping At The Gates Of Hell

The Wall Street Journal did a roundup of daddy blogs in today's edition. They covered Daddy Types, Rebel Dad, and my buddy MetroDad. And they were insane nice enough to include me as well. I'm assuming all the other daddy blogs were down for maintenance the day they were researching the article.

March 2006

HobbyPrincess: Just let them speak

I have one thing to say to the organizers of technology conferences: if you want to make sure that you include the "female perspective" to your program, just invite women to speak about the things they're doing. Putting smart people to discuss under a separate "women & technology" category is not doing the job.

IAlog » Panels for women, sure, but a toolbar for women?

Many of the BlogHer-organized panels were on topics of interest to the BlogHer community not strictly related to gender, for example an excellent panel on what happens when you mix personal blogging and professional life. At the same time, part of what BlogHer does is point out sexism in the blogosphere (e.g., the dismissal of “mommybloggers” by people who think it’s dandy for boys to blog about their toys), so some of the BlogHer panels did address those issues.

Jose Gonzalez signs to new label

Mute Records is proud to announce the signing of Swedish troubadour Jose Gonzalez. To celebrate the signing, Mute will re-release his internationally highly acclaimed debut CD Veneer on April 4.

And Ian Begat…No One

Thanks to rampant breeding among the dolts of the ecosystem, and the leftist sentiments to Leave No Tard Behind, reproductive fitness has little bearing on the course our evolutionary progress. That said, actually getting someone pregnant is still a gold-standard for an admission policy to passing on your genome. Guess which tard is getting left behind now?

dick jokes. ninjas. and robots.

Engadget Busted? »

The famous tech blog, Engadget, is under fire tonight for allegedly plagiarizing stories. I first heard of this story via RSS from the Blog Herald (the entry is now removed for unknown reasonshere) and subsequently from ProBlogger. The story is surfacing over at Digg which could mean legitimacy or a wildfire case of mistaken understanding.

My Other Blog » San Francisco + Reykjavik = My Head A Splode

I’m not even going to make an attempt to understand, but will just say this: WOW. I am completely awestruck by the fantastically bizarre mashup entitled Drawing Restraint 9, that spawned from an audiovisual orgy between the supremely twisted, but beautiful minds of artist Matthew Barney and the incomparable Ms. Guðmundsdóttir.

swoon » The Hipster Circle

eneath the sprawling, antiquated streets of Old London, amongst a patchwork spiderweb of cables, cords and rusting pipes toils a madman. Once and still a brilliant man, Prof. Augustus Van Hipster, inventor and engineer of what we now know to be the English Hipster, was driven insane an age ago by grief and despair, but still he sends his soulless attempts at man upwards.

Mocha Momma

Becoming less scary with large quantities of coffee yet acquiring a new raging colon. The snarkiness is just a bonus.

Supafine! » Blog Archive » Mamazine, Mamahood

Every last thing I do, from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, hovers in the back of my mind, waiting to be judged.

IAlog » 11+1 ways to back up

The Backup blog counts 11 ways to back up your bookmarks but forgot to mention Flock.

Mocking Music: Music Has The Right To Education

by 1 other
Mocking Music needs your help. Upon scanning my iTunes library this very morn, I made a disturbing and disheartening discovery: Indie artists are completely illiterate.

moxie stylie

moxie's blog.


by 1 other (via)
Kristyk uses this WordPress theme and I think I'm in love.

A Can of Crisco vs A Scientologist

So, who’s smarter – a Can of Crisco or a Scientologist? This is a tough question. A question that has been bothering mankind since L. Ron Hubbard published his hilarious book Dianetics in 1950. (thanks, eebmore!)

Genevieve And Skylar - Photoshop For Kids

Our friend Genevieve sent us some beautiful drawings that her 7-year-old daughter Skylar created in Photoshop, and we were so impressed we asked her to tell us all about how Skylar worked with the program. Here's her story...

misspaige's TAGS related to tag blog

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