13 April 2006
Red Sweater Blog - MacBook Pro: The Whining User
Anybody who knows me or reads this blog has probably started to notice a distinctly unpleasant noise coming out of my office in Somerville, MA. What’s that sound? It’s human whine. I try to be patient with Apple and wait optimistically for a solution that will make everybody happy. But I’m running into more and more problems with the MacBook Pro, and as my frustration about a particular problem compounds into the frustration of the next, the high-pitched whine of my muppet-voice becomes ever more piercing.
05 April 2006
Whiny Guy Feels Trapped By iTunes
by 2 othersYou know, the increasing restrictions on the usage of songs and videos bought off of iTunes is beginning to wear on me. Apple needs to take a closer look at the original terms they offered, specifically the number of burned CDs allowed per setlist.
24 February 2006
iSuckMP3Blogs - Simple WGet GUI (for Mac)
by 1 otheriSuckMP3Blogs is a hastily-named Application (Written in Applescript Studio) that uses Jeff Veen's intelligently constructed wget command to suck down only the new MP3's from your favorite blogs. The mp3s all end up in a folder called 'SuckedMP3s' on your desktop.
(3 marks)