April 2006
Who Designed This Crap? The Great Ipod Scam
I don't remember most of the dreams I have, whether nice or nasty. But, man, did I remember one from last week. I was on this really long and rambling road being chased by millions of Ipods of every size and shape. Though none of their earbuds were plugged in, there were so many of the things I could hear the mother of all mixes, every song, podcast and TV show available on Itunes.
February 2006
calendarlive.com: Architect of the Oscars
Tad Scripter has a job that no one can explain. Not even himself, or at least not easily.
According to his all-access backstage Academy Awards credentials, he is the Engineer in Charge. This means, as near as anyone can figure it, that he is responsible for ensuring that all the people and equipment needed to make the show happen, from a technical standpoint at least, are present and working.
December 2005
Numbers Stations
Listen to real numbers stations broadcasts!
YouTube - SNL
by 2 othersThe Chronic of Narnia Rap, in case you missed it on Saturday. Worth watching if you miss SNL being, you know, funny.
November 2005
4815162342.com :: ULTIMATE THEORY
Lost Thoughts: The Collective Conscious Theory
October 2005
(8 marks)