public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags programming & Goovy

March 2009

Rewiring Grails with custom URIs and codecs

This article shows you how to affect the lifeblood of any Web application: the URIs used for navigation. The permalinks back to individual entries are passed around the Internet like calling cards; the more descriptive they are, the more effective they are. Learn how to tweak the UrlMappings.groovy file to create new pathways. And finally, you'll create a custom codec to generate custom URIs more easily.

October 2007

Add Ruby scripting to your Project Zero

Project Zero provides strong support for scripting in Groovy and PHP out-of-the-box, making it easy to create RESTful resources and utility scripts without any of the complexity or configuration that Java developers are so used to dealing with. But this does not mean Project Zero rejects other dynamic scripting languages. This article will show Ruby enthusiasts how to have their cake and eat it too.