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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags programming & ajax

August 2009

GMaps4JSF in the JSF 2.0 Ajax world

GMaps4JSF, a JavaServer Faces (JSF) mashup library, integrates Google Maps with JSF. Using GMaps4JSF, you can construct complex street view panoramas and maps with just a few JSF tags. This article explains how to configure GMaps4JSF inside JSF 2.0 applications, and includes a brief introduction to JSF 2.0 Ajax.

July 2009

New JSF 2 features for Event handling, JavaScript, and Ajax

One of JSF's biggest selling points is that it is a component-based framework. Find out how to use the framework's new event model and built-in support for Ajax to make your reusable components all the more powerful.

The sophisticated benifits of using Ajax with XQuery

Discover how you can get the full benefit of using XQuery technology together with Ajax. Your Web application will have the back-end benefit of sophisticated XML querying as well as the client-side benefit of rich presentation without the distraction of repeated requests. A realtime comparison of web apps with and without Ajax and XQuery. You'll see a significant difference.

May 2009

High-performance Ajax with Tomcat Advanced I/O

Using Non-Blocking I/O (NIO) improves server performance drastically because of its efficient use of system resources (threads). The gain in performance is very noticeable in Ajax applications. It also lets you control system-resource usage on a server under pressure. This article explains how to optimize your server for performance during the handling of both Ajax and regular requests.

April 2009

build sophisticated web widgets using the Dojo Javascript Toolkit

Dojo is an open source, JavaScript-based toolkit for developing dynamic HTML Web applications. Dojo allows you to quickly build widgets that can be more complex than standard HTML widgets. The goal of this article is to give you the basics for developing HTML widgets starting with simple widgets and moving up to more complex ones using Dojo.

Add Ajax and JSON to Java EE apps using JSP talibs

Learn how to use configurable JavaServer Pages (JSP) TagLib-based controls that leverage JavaScript Serialized Object Notation (JSON), JavaScript scripting language, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Because they are standard JSP TagLib controls, find out how you can easily drop them into any Java EE application to provide more intuitive and responsive user user interfaces.

Increase PHP productivity with PHPCompute

The PHPCompute node is a new general-purpose programmable node that embeds the WebSphere sMash runtime for PHP. This article shows how you can use the PHPCompute node to write PHP scripts that transform and route messages in WebSphere Message Broker.

Implementing RPC for JavaScript using Ajax and Java code

This article shows how to implement a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism for Web applications that use JavaScript on both servers and clients. You'll also learn several interesting techniques, such as implementing Java interfaces with JavaScript, building an XMLHttpRequest wrapper, making Ajax debugging easier, and using JSP tag files to generate JavaScript code.

March 2009

Add advanced Ajax to PHP apps with easy jQuerry Libs

For some, Ajax is still a mystery. It's something that the "cool kids" and "bad boys" of Web development do, and they've never had the time, patience, or skill to take it on. If you're one of these PHP developers, never fear: By the time you're done reading this article, you'll know enough to become a real Ajax pro. This article shows how to use jQuery to easily add Ajax functionality to any PHP Web application. When you're done, you should have a pretty good grounding in not only some jQuery basics but also in the fundamentals of Ajax.

Get real-time system alearts with Ajax Chat

Wish you could have a dedicated, open source Web chat pop up in response to a system event that lets you know what's happening in real time. Your search is over with Ajax Chat, an application that's implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. You can get that function and much more with Ajax chat, a pop up chat perfect for System Adminstrators. Learn how to change configurations, and add as many alert channel as you want. Put this in your Admin toolbox, and become aware of system problems faster.

Using E4X on the server-side with Jaxer

Running JavaScript on the server is not some oddity. The ECMAScript for XML (E4X) standard gives JavaScript developers a powerful API to work with XML. In this article, you can see how JavaScript and E4X make it easy to work with XML on the server. Combine this key ingredient with Jaxer to create Ajax applications using nothing but JavaScript.

February 2009

Socially mixing Groovy, Twitter, Google, and a bit of Ajax

In this article, learn how to build a social network with Google Maps, Twitter, Groovy, and Ajax. By combining a Google Map with location information that Twitter exposes, you can create a mashup that allows people to view Twitter in light of a particular location. The simple application this article builds with open APIs, and a bit of imagination, will open yourself up to a whole new world of social applications development. The possibilities are endless. The rest is up to you.

January 2009

The five best practices for SOA Web 2.0

In this article, two experienced SOA architects look at the new world of Web 2.0 technologies with a critical eye and present five best practices that can help you be more successful in adopting Ajax, REST, and other Web 2.0 technologies as part of your SOA. There are several major areas in which they have learned some very painful lessons. They share these with you to spare you similar distress, and to help you get a jump on your SOA Web 2.0 success.

How web apps tick, and how to make them tick faster

As your web applications becomes more popular you may find it harder and harder to serve your web requests as fast as you want. This article provides insight in how Web requests are served, along with the do's and dont's of Web application development. Looking for application bottlenecks, and learning about the Scaling of an application will ensure better data flow and much less trouble.

Ajax Localized client-side validation messaging

Its very difficult to display internationalized validation messages when the validation is being done at the client side. Using Ajax is one option to make your life easier. This article discusses using Ajax and resource bundles together to make the process of internationalized/localized client-side validation messaging a little easier.

The easiest Ajax and DOM scripting with jQuery

After learning jQuery, I've had a lot more fun programming in the JavaScript language. All the boring stuff is taken care of, so I can focus on coding the juicy stuff. With jQuery, I can barely remember the last time I wrote a for loop. I even cringe at the thought of working with other JavaScript libraries. jQuery has honestly and truly changed the way I look at JavaScript programing forever. Learn about the jQuery philosophy, discover its features and functions, perform some common Ajax tasks, and find out how to extend jQuery with plug-ins.

October 2008

High-performance Ajax with Tomcat Advanced I/O

by 1 other
Using Non-Blocking I/O (NIO) improves server performance drastically because of its efficient use of system resources (threads). The gain in performance is noticeable Ajax applications with long polling mechanisms. It also lets you control system-resource usage on a server under pressure. This article explains how to optimize your server for performance during the handling of both Ajax and regular requests.

September 2008

Building tomorrow's Web applications today

There has been a rapid growth in the use and need for Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), which look to replace desktop applications with browser-based applications. Learn how jQuery utilizes a combination of events produced by user interaction, information gathered from the Web site itself, and the ability to change the look and feel of the application without reloading to create Rich Internet Application quickly and easily.

JSP TagLib, JSON, and Ajax enabled cascading drop-downs

Learn how to build a cascading Ajax drop-down control that dynamically populates values in an HTML SELECT control based on other form field values. This article describes how to build an auto-complete control, similar to Google Suggest, that displays a suggestion list that is updated in real time as a user types.

Bypassing the same-server Java applet restrictions

See how to create a system that uses your browser to access an arbitrary Web service. JavaScript code calls a method within an applet, which calls a servlet, which retrieves the remote information. In this way, you bypass restrictions on what an applet can and cannot do.

Build a simple Ajax WYSIWYG Web page editor

This article describes a simple system that lets users of your Web site build their own Web pages. With it, they can place text and images on their page, arrange them to their liking, and save their work. Build a simple Ajax system that lets your users assemble pages by adding and arranging pre-made widgets. The code in this article stands alone, without any third-party libraries and includes most of the elements of a substantial GUI application.

Build Ajax-based Web sites with PHP

PHP has been around for quite a few years. It's commonly used as a server-side scripting language to develop Web-based applications fairly quickly and with good results. This article provided you with an introduction to writing Ajax-based front-end code with back-end PHP scripts faster than if you write all of the code yourself.

August 2008

DOM scripting makes me cry - jQuery makes me smile

by 1 other
jQuery is a JavaScript library that helps simplify your JavaScript and Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax) programming. Unlike similar JavaScript libraries, jQuery has a unique bag of tricks that allows you to express common complex code succinctly. Learn about the jQuery philosophy, discover its features and functions, and use it to perform some common Ajax tasks much easier.

Smarter Ajax forms with jQuery UI Tabs

Learn to transform a multistep checkout process from a series of sequential forms into a single-screen interface using Ajax and jQuery UI Tabs. The tab interface you will build provides visual cohesion to your form process, turning a series of disconnected form pages into a slick tabed interface with a window-shade effect.

February 2008

Craft Ajax applications using JSF with CSS

Learn several Web techniques based on the DOM APIs, Ajax, and Cascading Style Sheets. This article shows you how to hide and display optional JSF components without refreshing a Web page, how to implement client-side validation that is executed in the Web browser, and how to develop a custom component that displays help messages for the input elements of a Web form.

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