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PUBLIC MARKS from misspaige with tags video & sox

11 April 2006 03:00

San Diego Serenade: 1986 World Series Game 6 Re-Enacted in RBI Baseball

I decided that I wanted to enter this YouTube Cybersmack contest and 2in $25,000 for creating the best internet viral video, so I decided to re-enact Game Six of the 1986 World Series in RBI Baseball, my favorite video game of all time. Game Six is one of the most surreal, unbelievable displays of sports in history, and hopefully now that the Sox have emerged victorious in the World Series, it can be seen more as an utterly stupifying comeback, and less of a devastating choke job.

misspaige's TAGS related to tag video

baseball +   blogosphere +   chucknorris +   google +   humor +   ipod +   music +   sox +   sxsw +   tv +