public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from holyver

May 2013

April 2013

Backbone.js in the Frontend | DrupalCon Munich 2012

It will be a practical session, showing demos and explaining how Backbone & friends are changing the way of making web apps. Also Ethan will present how the Backbone module for Drupal can help you to speed up your web app development, so you don't have to re-invent the wheel.

March 2013

CloudScreener : l’outil pour y voir plus clair entre les nuages

by 1 other
Plus de 5 ans après les vraies premières offres commerciales de cloud computing, voici enfin l’outil CloudScreener qui vous permet de comparer les offres des différents fournisseurs. Pratique, facile d’utilisation, plein de critères pertinents et accessible à tous, il a en plus le bon goût d’être français !

December 2012

Getting Started with Drupal: Optimizing Your Drupal Application | New Relic blog

So slow pages can have a very real impact on your business. These are some very real incentives for whipping your site into shape, so let’s move on from the why to the how.

Article: File Entity Inline : le futur de la gestion de fichier sous Drupal ?

Nouveau module d'importance qui vient de sortir : File Entity Inline. Réalisé par un auteur bien connu de la communauté Drupal (quicksketch), le module File Entity Inline permet de se coupler au module File entity afin de disposer de chargement de fichier "fieldable". Mais que signifie donc ce charbia ?

November 2012

Drupalcamp Pakistan: Automating Drupal Deployment | Drupal Developer | Dominique De Cooman

The goal of automating deployment is to make introducing new features easier. In this post we will learn how to set up a workflow that will move code and configuration of your drupal site from your local development station, to development, to staging and to production all by a using your version control and a push of a button.

Real-time website data for front-line action takers

by 2 others
We’re not for the back-office analyst. Our real-time data tools are built for your website's front-line, get-your-hands-dirty, action-focused people. Chartbeat is for doers.

Most effective Jenkins plugins | Art of Software Engineering

This post is about continuous integration practice and Jenkins (Hudson) — one of the most popular open-source continuous integration server. The six must-have plug-ins I’ll discuss here will make your job of configuring Jenkins and running builds much more productive.

Slides: Battle of the Giants – Solr 4.0 vs ElasticSearch 0.20.0 « Sematext Blog

Slides for the Battle of the Giants talk Rafał Kuc (@kucrafal) gave at ApacheCon EU 2012 are now up! And if you liked the above presentation, you may also want read our ElasticSearch vs. Solr series and see Scaling Massive ElasticSearch Clusters.

Elections américaines : Le Big Data au service d’Obama

Cela a été l’un des grands secrets de la campagne électorale et les équipes du Time qui ont eu l’occasion de rencontrer les grands manitous de cette opération le 4 novembre ont accepté de dévoiler le fonctionnement du dispositif à la condition que l’article ne soit publié qu’après l’élection et que leurs noms ne soient pas dévoilés, conditions que Time a respecté.

agile approach | Moving Forward with Open Atrium 2.0

Open Atrium has long been the go-to "Intranet in a box" distribution for Drupal 6.  Obviously, Drupal 6 is nearing it's official "end of life" and something needed to be done with Open Atrium.  The question for the past year has been: "What exactly should be done?"  Should we just port the existing modules to D7?  Should we just leap-frog to Drupal 8?  What about new functionality?  What about improving existing functionality?  How do we make Open Atrium more accessible to more types of users?  How do we take advantage of new Drupal 7 components?

September 2012

July 2012

OOP Javascript & JS Architecture

Nowdays: Single page app is the thing! Gmail Twitter (remember the # in the location bar?) Grooveshark (online cloud music player/storage)

Questions and Myths About PhoneGap « PhoneGap

Phonegap is a relatively new concept to many IT organizations, so there are many unanswered questions and misunderstandings about PhoneGap and Apache Cordova.  In this post, I’ll try to answer a few of these questions, clear up a few misunderstandings, and dispel some of the myths.

PhoneGap Explained Visually « PhoneGap

There are some common questions that I am often asked, and I hope this post helps everyone understand PhoneGap better.

June 2012

HDR Express, Plug-in for Lightroom, Aperture

HDR Express is the game-changer in HDR software. It demystifies HDR photography by giving you easy controls and presets to create realistic or stylized HDR photos in the blink of an eye, all in full 32-bit color precision.

Find Custom Streaming Video Hosting for Your Website - VidCompare

To find the right Online Video Platform (OVP) for your business you can search by provider name in the upper right corner, try our Advanced Search using pull-downs and pick lists, or search by use case by clicking the green links below.

Every Online Video Platform (OVP) on the Market: A Reference List on – Online Video Strategies, Platforms, News, and Tips

To help you, we present this complete list of every OVP currently on the market. It’s a fast-changing area, so we’ll update it a few times a year.

A Buyers' Guide to Online Video Platforms - Streaming Media Magazine

There are so many OVPs in the market that it can be difficult to choose. This guide looks at ten top OVPs in-depth, showing how they differ in their features and focus.

Live Streaming Guide | Limelight Video Platform Support

This guide is intended for all publishers that wish to manage and deliver live video using the Limelight Video Platform (LVP). For convenience, Limelight has built live video management using the same easy workflow that exists for on-demand video. Publishers can conveniently manage both their live and on-demand assets in a single console account. The same powerful tools that are available for on-demand are also available for live, including geo/domain restrictions, scheduling, metadata management, custom metadata management, player customization and channels. In addition, all LVP players are enabled for live delivery, permitting publishers to mix both live and on-demand in the same channel and deliver using adaptive bit rate streaming.

The State of Enterprise Video 2012 - Streaming Media Magazine

's often said that the enterprise is both the backbone and the Achilles' heel of streaming media deployment sales. It's the backbone because the number of encoding, transcoding, or rich media capture units sold to small businesses and Fortune 500 companies alike can far exceed the number sold to entertainment companies. It's the Achilles' heel because, once a sale is made, enterprise customers tend to use the solutions for years beyond the typical replacement date when a media company would upgrade its streaming technologies and platforms.

Buyer's Guide: Live Encoders - Streaming Media Magazine

This article appears in the February/March issue of Streaming Media magazine, the annual Streaming Media Industry Sourcebook. In these Buyer's Guide articles, we don't claim to cover every product or vendor in a particular category, but rather provide our readers with the information they need to make smart purchasing decisions, sometimes using specific vendors or products as exemplars of those features and services.

April 2012

March 2012

Quoi de neuf dans Drush 5 ? | Le blog de SebCorbin - Sébastien Corbin

Durant la DrupalCon Denver cette semaine a eu lieu une conférence par Moshe Weitzman, Jonathan Hedstrom, Owen Barton et Mark Sonnabaum. À l'issue de celle-ci devait être releasée la version 5 stable de Drush (je suis peut-être un peu en avance sur ceci). Drush est votre ami, si vous êtes un développeur, vous devez forcément l'avoir installé, et je vais donc partir du principe que vous avez utilisé la version 4. Je vais vous présenter dans cet article les nouvelles fonctionnalités de la version 5.

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