01 October 2006 20:15
01 October 2006 01:00
Smile - Authentification unique et unifiée (Single Sign On)
by 1 other Plusieurs mises en œuvre de Single Sign-On sont possibles. On distingue les solutions ‘serveur’ des solutions ‘client’.
» Vulture
by 2 others Vulture is an HTTP reverse proxy. It does many security checks (authentication, rewriting, filtering) before proxying request from Internet to your web applications. With authentication enabled, vulture will open flows only to authenticated users. It also allows to your users to use only one password to access many different applications by learning and forwarding their different accounts.
01 October 2006 00:30
Le SSO pour fédérer l'authentification
by 4 others Grâce au Single Sign-On, il est possible de regrouper toutes les demandes d'authentification en une procédure unique. Le confort des utilisateurs et le niveau de sécurité s'en trouvent améliorés.
Single Sign-On with Drupal using CAS | The Longsight Group LLC
Using the excellent phpCAS library, we have created a small Drupal module to allow single sign-on with CAS
(5 marks)