public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from holyver with tag ajax

November 2008

reallysimplehistory - Google Code

by 1 other (via)
Really Simple History is a lightweight JavaScript library for the management of bookmarking and browser history in Ajax/DHTML applications. RSH serializes application data in an internal JavaScript cache so that bookmarks and the back button can be used to return your application to an earlier state. Originally developed by Brad Neuberg in 2005, RSH has won a large user base for its simplicity, ease of use and lack of dependency on any specific Ajax framework. It's written in plain old JavaScript and can be included on any site according to the terms of its BSD license. In September 2007, Brian Dillard of Pathfinder Development came on board as maintainer and ongoing code steward for the project. A new version, with support for additional modern browsers (IE7, Safari, Opera), was released as RSH 0.6 on December 3, 2007.

April 2008

The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh

by 21 others (via)
Comparison of various scripts that display images and other objects in somehow cool CSS popups

March 2008

jQuery history/remote - solution for hijaxing links

Implement Ajax driven links in a completely unobtrusive and accessible manner (also known as Hijax) with support for the browser's back/forward navigation buttons and bookmarking. Enhance comparable DHTML driven links as well.

September 2007

Best Practices for Applying Ajax to JSR 168 Portlets

by 1 other (via)
A year ago, the article Asynchronous Rendering of Portlet Content With Ajax Technology demonstrated how to apply Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) to portlets. Since then, Ajax has become increasingly popular in the software arena and many new Ajax technologies have emerged. Examples are JavaScript libraries and toolkits, such as the Dojo Toolkit, the Yahoo! UI Library, the Google Web Toolkit,, and DHTML Goodies. In addition, new standards bodies like Open Ajax and the Dojo Foundation are key players. In light of the many developments in the past year and the host of feedback on how to use Ajax in portlets, this article describes several helpful tips and practices on how best to exploit Ajax in portlets that comply with the Java Specification Request (JSR) 168: Portlet Specification.

March 2007

Open AJAX : un standard pour les interfaces web riches

Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, IBM, Zend, Oracle et des start-ups spécialistes d'Ajax telles que Zimbra et Dojo viennent de lancer une initiative de standardisation pour garantir le succès de cette technologie d'interface graphique.

January 2007

Une bulle d'horizon des suites bureautique en ligne : détails et avis

by 3 others (via)
Avec l'avènement de l'Adsl et du 2.0, Internet a vu apparaître bon nombres d'applications riches type client/serveur. L'application est en effet hébergée sur le serveur et vous ne faites que travaillez sur une instance depuis chez vous à travers votre navigateur Internet. Il est intéressant de regarder de plus près tout ce qui existe dans le domaine des suites bureautique car c'est un marché qui intéresse de plus en plus les entreprises et qui comportent donc déjà plusieurs suites plus ou moins complètes mais utilisables et intéressantes. Parmi celles-ci, j'ai choisi de vous en présenter quatre qui sont pour moi les plus importantes et/ou les plus utilisées : Ajax13, Google Docs et Spreadsheets, Thinkfree et Zoho.

holyver's TAGS related to tag ajax

application +   bureautique +   cache +   code +   collaboratif +   comparison +   dhtml +   framework +   google +   hijaxing +   history +   java +   javascript +   jQuery +   libraries +   library +   lightbox +   mootools +   navigation +   office +   portlet +   prototype +   web +   web 2.0 +   yui +