Protocol Reference - Google Data APIs - Google Code
This document describes the protocol used by the Google Data APIs, including information about what a query looks like, what results look like, and so on.
Google Data APIs - Google Code
(via)The Google Data APIs provide a simple standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web.
These REST-style APIs are based on the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub), using the standard Atom syndication format to represent data and HTTP to handle communication. The Google Data API protocol also extends AtomPub for processing queries, authentication, batch requests, and providing alternate output formats (JSON, RSS).
Many Google services support the Google Data API protocol
Google Data APIs Overview - Google Data APIs - Google Code
The Google Data APIs provide a simple standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web.
The Data APIs use either of two standard XML-based syndication formats: Atom or RSS. They also have a feed-publishing system that consists of the Atom publishing protocol plus some extensions (using Atom's standard extension model) for handling queries.
Getting to know the Atom Publishing Protocol, Part 1: Create and edit Web resources with the Atom Publishing Protocol
by 1 other (via)The Atom Publishing Protocol is an important new standard for content publishing and management. In this article, explore a high-level overview of the protocol and its basic operation and capabilities.
Apache CouchDB: Introduction
What CouchDB is
* A document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API.
* Ad-hoc and schema-free with a flat address space.
* Distributed, featuring robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and management.
* Query-able and index-able, featuring a table oriented reporting engine that uses Javascript as a query language.
What it is Not
* A relational database.
* A replacement for relational databases.
* An object-oriented database. Or more specifically, meant to function as a seamless persistence layer for an OO programming language.
Exploring the REST and AtomPub as WS-* Stack Alternatives
(via)Kurt Cagle of The Burton Group, explores the "RESTful Stack" as an alternative to WS-* web services and looks at the growing importance of standards and technologies such as Atom, the Atom Publishing Protocol, and XQuery. Presented as part of HR-XML's webinar series. see http://www.hr-xml.org/blog
SOAP ou REST, que choisir?
Web Services Convention
Juin 2004
Comparer ce qui est comparable
Web Oriented Architecture
Un petit debat intéressant sur les problèmes de compatibilité entre les différentes versions de Webservices.
Heureusement pour vous, il y a ici un article sur les stratégies a adopter pour s'en sortir !
Introduction aux Web Services
by 1 other (via)
Lors de cette présentation, nous essaierons d'améliorer notre compréhension des Web Services, ferons un survol des normes les plus importantes de l'industrie (WSDL, SOAP et UDDI) et regarderons rapidement quels sont les alternatives d'implémentations (styles et REST).
La vidéo : http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=3598302564468341554&q=web+services
(9 marks)