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PUBLIC MARKS from holyver with tag system


How to benchmark, Stress, your Apache, Nginx or IIS server | Linux Operating System - Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo, Arch

by 1 other
Actually usually any web server can handle a normal day of work, but what happens when the server under your administration gets, stumbled, or appears in Slashdot, or digg front pages, now a days even twitter may drive a lot of traffic to a webpage.


Tools for Performance Tuning and Optimization |, Inc. - Drupal Development, Customization and Consulting

When tuning a site's performance, a system administrator needs certain tools to measure and monitor how the site is doing under increasing load, as well as identify where bottlenecks may be. Linux system performance monitoring tools On Linux, there are several tools available to you to do this. We describe what we have found as the most helpful in this section.

Home - WysiwygPro, Browser Based Online HTML WYSIWYG Editor

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WysiwygPro is an advanced online HTML WYSIWYG editor that can be embedded in a web page. Web developers may use it as an alternative to regular textarea tags in all PHP powered web applications including Content Management Systems, Blogs, Discussion Forums and Web Based E-mail Systems. WysiwygPro is available as a PHP class for developers, as a stand alone application for editing web pages and as a plugin for many third party applications including Joomla, Mambo, WordPress and CMSimple. Integrate WysiwygPro into your content management system or web application and empower your users' creativity. WysiwygPro enables anyone to create rich HTML content online without techical skill


[Sécurité] Droits d'accès - GNU/Linux - La solution

by 1 other
Le but de cet article n'est pas de vous apprendre quels droits vous devez positionner sur vos fichiers ou répertoires ni pourquoi. L'utilisation de la gestion des utilisateurs, groupes ou autres ainsi que les permissions accordées, depends de chaque configuration, de la strategie mise en place par l'adminstrateur de votre système et aussi de vos besoins. En revanche dans l'article vous trouverez une brève présentation des droits que le système GNU/Linux utilise ainsi que les commandes utilisées pour le faire.

holyver's TAGS related to tag system

administration +   application +   benchmark +   browser +   doc +   howto +   linux +   monitoring +   performance +   php +   security +   server +   shell +   testing +   tools +   tuning +   web +   webserver +   wysiwyg +