public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags facebook & flickr

March 2010

Exemple d'usage de la license "Creative Common" : My social Network on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and MyblogLog on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Are you here ? View On Black [Fr] Mon réseau social à travers Flickr, Facebook, Twitter et Mybloglog… Etes-vous dedans ...? Remerciments et mention de la source pour illustrer des articles.

June 2008

Firefox Universal Uploader (fireuploader) ____Allows you to upload/download files from any website using a friendly interface.: Firefox Add-ons

Upload files/photos/videos to Flickr, Picasa, Youtube, of free space), Facebook, Webshots, OmniDrive, SME Storage and Google Docs in this version. Next versions .. Google Videos etc. You can add multiple files to the queue at a time.