public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags diet & cooking

31 August 2008 12:15

Fat Loss 4 Idiots = Easy, Painless Way to Lose Weight

I bet you wouldn’t believe me if I told you you could lose weight in 11 days. I bet you’d be even more shocked if I told you you could do that by eating more than three meals a day, and you didn’t have to starve yourself with the ol’ low-fat, low-carb, i-only-can-eat-half-a-meal-a-day diets. You don’t have to keep calculating calories, you don’t have to perform mental arithmetic acrobatics each time you pick up a piece of breadstick; and you can say farewell to those protein shakes for good. After all, you know by now how hard these things are to practice, and even so, it doesn’t always work.