September 2008
The Love Hate Relationship With Weights
I have been having weight issues since forever, and I’ve tried just about anything short of surgery: hitting the gym, diets, signing up for packages at weight management centres. In the end, what I’ve got is just a heavier body and a lighter wallet. One of the first diets I tried was the Medifast Diet. It comprises of low fat, low carbohydrates, and ultra low calorie plan. Apparently, people have lost up to 20 lbs in just 30 days when following this diet. Another diet I tried was the Flat Belly Diet. The Flat Belly Diet suggests a 1600 calorie diet with emphasis on unrefined foods and allows taking once in a month very little red meat, which is difficult for me because I love meat! The Flat Belly Diet is not so popular as results are slow, the book is expensive and the diet is complicated. If you want to get the book from me, just drop me a comment later.
December 2006
Weight Loss Simple, Easy and Effective at
What is the best weight loss blog?. After much research Dr. Simple decided to put together a document that summarized the most effective strategies on weight loss.”I wanted to create something that not only was effective, but a document that people could implement simply and see the results” says, Dr. Simple. If you are tired of not losing weight then “Weight Loss HD” is a simple to follow, easy to implement blog on how to make your weight loss a reality. Check out their free natural weight loss tips at
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