public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag "Health Care"

September 2008

Surgery versus Supplements

You’ve heard of celebrities undergoing Gastric Bypass, but do you know what it really is? From what I learned from, Gastric bypass is a form of procedure to reduce weight. It changes the entire anatomy of the digestive system and is done to promote loss of weight for people who are overweight. In fact, the stomach pouch is reduced to the size of a small egg and portions of the small intestine are bypassed in a gastric bypass surgery. It works this way: the food never enters the lower part of the stomach but goes to the duodenum and yet the stomach usually stays healthy and produces gastric juices.

March 2007

Keep aware of buying medication online

NEWS on the death of a 33-year-old housewife who succumbed to kidney commplications allegedly caused by a slimming pill regime some weeks ago is an indication of a disturbing trend in the purchase of medical and medicinal products among Internet user. Rather than getting advice from the respective experts and authorities in the field, many are buying drugs and medication through offline and online channels based on decisions made either on information made available in advertisements, cheaper pricing or the sheer lure of being able to beat the system and getting their hands on controlled drugs.