public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags php & google

April 2009

The bridge between GWT, Java, XML and PHP

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) applications, apart from connecting to servlets in time-honored Java fashion, can also use PHP Web services to send and receive data in XML. You'll explore methods to generate XML documents and process them, both in the Java language and in PHP. This article examines a simple GWT application and a couple of PHP Web services that consume XML documents.

August 2007

Custom PHP search engines work better than Google

While Google and its ilk are virtually omniscient, the Web's mighty search engines aren't well suited to every site. If your site content is highly specialized or distinctly categorized, use Sphinx and PHP to create a finely tuned local search system. People want information packaged like fast food: served instantly, hassle-free, and in bite-size. See how to add a fast, capable, open source, and free search engine to a PHP site.