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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags php & europa

27 January 2009 23:45

Eclipse Europa Web development using Java, PHP, and RadRails Part-3

Part-3 introduces the RDT and RadRails Eclipse plug-ins and shows you how to get these plug-ins and start using them. You will learn how to use RadRails to do many common Ruby on Rails development tasks.

Eclipse Europa Web development using Java, PHP, and RadRails Part-2

In Part-2 you'll see how easy it is to develop PHP applications using a different set of Eclipse plug-ins, collectively known as the PHP Development Toolkit (PDT).

27 January 2009 23:30

Eclipse Europa Web development using Java, PHP, and RadRails Part-1

Part-1 shows you how to use Eclipse to connect to a database, create tables, and create test data in our database. This three-part "Web development with Eclipse Europa" series shows you how to use Eclipse for Web development with Java technology, PHP, and Ruby. You'll see how the latest release of Eclipse -- Europa -- can be used to rapidly develop Java Web applications.