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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags ajax & php


Create a jQuery, PHP XMPP real-time web app

Readl-Time apps have been popularized by social-notification tools like Twitter and Friendfeed. With a Real-Time web app you can get website information as soon as it's published. Learn techniques that allow you to create responsive, continually updated web applications that conserve server resources while providing a slick user experience using jQuery, XMPP and PHP.


Increase PHP productivity with PHPCompute

The PHPCompute node is a new general-purpose programmable node that embeds the WebSphere sMash runtime for PHP. This article shows how you can use the PHPCompute node to write PHP scripts that transform and route messages in WebSphere Message Broker.

Add advanced Ajax to PHP apps with easy jQuerry Libs

For some, Ajax is still a mystery. It's something that the "cool kids" and "bad boys" of Web development do, and they've never had the time, patience, or skill to take it on. If you're one of these PHP developers, never fear: By the time you're done reading this article, you'll know enough to become a real Ajax pro. This article shows how to use jQuery to easily add Ajax functionality to any PHP Web application. When you're done, you should have a pretty good grounding in not only some jQuery basics but also in the fundamentals of Ajax.

Getting started with PHP frameworks

These 5 articles on PHP frameworks will get you quickly familiar with Zend, symfony, and CakePHP. This series is designed for PHP developers who want to start using a PHP framework, but have not examined the available frameworks in detail. You will examine their similarities and differences while building and extending a sample application. using Ajax and by integrating external tasks.


Build Ajax-based Web sites with PHP

PHP has been around for quite a few years. It's commonly used as a server-side scripting language to develop Web-based applications fairly quickly and with good results. This article provided you with an introduction to writing Ajax-based front-end code with back-end PHP scripts faster than if you write all of the code yourself.

See How Zend, CakePHP, and symfony handles Ajax

The use of Ajax, using native code and third-party PHP frameworks, is examined — specifically, how the Zend Framework, CakePHP, and the symfony framework, behaves and accepts specific popular libraries. After reading this article you should have a basic understanding of how each framework provides (or doesn't provide) support for Ajax.

Realize the power of RSS in Ajax and Web 2.0 apps

You'll appreciate this article's fully functional PHP code snippets, demonstrating the use of PHP-based server-side functions to develop a customizable RSS feed aggregator. In addition, you'll reap instant benefits from using the fully functional RSS feed aggregator code, which you can download from this article.


Developing PHP the Ajax way

This article will show you how to speed up PHP application development using the Simple Ajax Toolkit (Sajax).