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PUBLIC MARKS with tags turbogears & python

April 2007

Python on Rails?

by pvergain & 2 others
Comparatif des framewrok web pour python

Python on Rails?

by ogrisel & 2 others
Comparatif des framewrok web pour python

March 2007

Merging TurboGears and Pylons , Zope

by pvergain
It seems likely that TurboGears and Pylons will merge. This looks like a good thing. ... It’s conceivable, it was definitely discussed a few times as well. It wouldn’t be so much a merger in any sense, as more of a coalescing of common parts. –Ben Bangert (On the Pylons mailing list) So, yes we did spend quite a bit of time talking about this at PyCon. And yes the word merger was used, but if you’re looking for some kind of big bang switchover, I think you’ll be disappointed. From my perspective, the philosophical approach behind all of our discussions has been “The more we can share parts the better.” But we all have taken it one step further — were we have different ideas about how things should be done, we need to weigh the relative merits of maintaining those differences against what those differences cost us. In particular I’m thinking about the cost in terms of mantaining: * separate libraries * separate documentation efforts * separate mailing lists * separate bug tracking systems * decreased visibility in the wider web marketplace * and ultimately separate user communities. .... Surprisingly enough, this is also something we have in common with the Zope guys, who have created a lot of great stuff that none of us got to use because it was too tightly integrated with the Zope core. They have been spinning out components pretty regularly for the last couple of years, and we want to work together with them more. Obviously, we won’t merge with Zope, but I hope that we can work with them in lots of interesting ways to move the state of Python web development forward. I for one would like to have access to their Transaction manager for multi-database transactions, and I worked a bit with Zope guys last week on integrating Tosca Widgets into their Forms system. What I want is for there to be diversity where there are real differences, and unity where those differences don’t matter. We don’t want to limit either framework, but we don’t want to have pointless duplication of effort either. .... Or, if we’re smart enough, creative enough, and and flexible enough, we may end up as one framework. To quote a line from Terminator 2 “The future is not yet set. The future is what we make it.“ ....

Zope/Plone, Ruby on Rails, Turbogears, Django and J2EE.

by pvergain & 2 others
A practical comparison between Zope/Plone, Ruby on Rails, Turbogears, Django and J2EE.

Zope/Plone, Ruby on Rails, Turbogears, Django and J2EE.

by jefferson-beta & 2 others
A practical comparison between Zope/Plone, Ruby on Rails, Turbogears, Django and J2EE.

February 2007

January 2007

1.0/SQLAlchemy - TurboGears Documentation

by pvergain
Using SQLAlchemy in TurboGears The simplest way to get started using SQLAlchemy is to quickstart new project with --sqlalchemy switch: tg-admin quickstart --sqlalchemy (Or more briefly: tg-admin quickstart -s) This switch sets up your properly for using SQLAlchemy. If you said yes to the identity prompt, you'll get the ActiveMapper version of the identity tables. Now change the value of sqlalchemy.dburi to point to a valid database connection. To init the database schema you need to run: tg-admin sql create If you're converting a project from SQLObject to SQLAlchemy, we recommend that you quickstart a new project and then copy in the identity tables piece by piece.

Download TurboGears

by pvergain (via)
Note: A part of TurboGears relies on Pyrex, which has not yet been updated to accommodate changes in Python 2.5. Python 2.4 remains the recommended Python version. If you already have Python installed, there're only 2 steps to install TurboGears: 1. Download the script. 2. Run on Windows, or run python on *nix or Mac. There are some additional install instructions. Choose the instructions that match your setup:

December 2006

TurboGears Book

by pvergain
This book will help experienced Web developers get productive with TurboGears fast. You�ll quickly build your first TurboGears Web application�then extend it one step at a time, mastering the multiple TurboGears frameworks that make these enhancements possible. Next, the authors demonstrate TurboGears at work in one of today's most advanced open source, real-world TurboGears programs: the Fast Track project status tracker. Finally, you�ll gain deep insight into the Python model, viewer, and controller technologies TurboGears is built upon: knowledge that will help you build far more robust and capable Python applications. Coverage includes: * Understanding the architecture of a TurboGears application * Mastering SQLObject, customizing it, and using it with TurboGears models * Utilizing TurboGears view technologies, including dynamic templates and MochiKit for Ajax * TurboGears Widgets: Bringing CSS, XHTML, and JavaScript together in reusable components * CherryPy and TurboGears controller technologies: from decorators to deployment * Exploring the TurboGears toolbox * Ensuring security and identity in TurboGears applications

Comparaison de TurboGears et Django, deux frameworks web Python - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

by pvergain & 1 other
Entre deux traductions de tutoriels pour Django, j'ai décidé de traduire ce petit comparatif qui fait suite aux articles d'introduction à ces frameworks web publiés sur le site d'IBM (partie 1 consacrée à Django et partie 2 à TurboGears). Je trouve que c'est l'un des plus objectifs qui m'ait été donné de lire et il est à ce titre intéressant pour ceux qui sont dans le doute et/ou curieux.

November 2006

TurboGears: Front-to-Back Web Development

by pvergain & 15 others
Create a database-driven, ready-to-extend application in minutes. All with designer friendly templates, easy AJAX on the browser side and on the server side, not a single SQL query in sight with code that is as natural as writing a function.

February 2006

January 2006

November 2005

October 2005

September 2005

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