public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags semantic & programming

September 2009

Finding the way through the semantic Web with HBase

The Hadoop Database (HBase) is well suited for creating a semantic Web and for extracting existing or computed knowledge. Learn how to represent RDF/XML assertions in an HBase database for scientific articles, and discover how HBase and Bigtable are promoting a new approach to storing and processing data.

June 2009

Translate Atom to RDF using Java technology

How can you translate an Atom document into a distinct document that follows the RDF specification? The answer: Java technology. Learn how Java with the StAX API make it easy to parse an Atom feed and translate it into an RDF document that you can then use to provide semantic-specific feeds.

solrac's TAGS related to tag semantic

atom +   java +   programming +   rdr +   StAX Api +   web application +   web design +   web development +