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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags performance & java


5 things you didn't know about Java performance monitoring

Blaming bad code won't help you find performance bottlenecks and improve the speed of your Java apps, and neither will guessing. This article directs your attention to tools for Java performance monitoring, Here's five tips for using Java 5's built-in profiler, JConsole, to collect and analyze performance data.


Know the trade-offs of a High Performance strategy

Your application can maintain fast processing times while still supporting some degree of data integrity and consistency — but you need to be aware of the trade-offs involved. Learnhow to implement a transaction strategy for high-performance applications.

Improve jQuery Performance metrics and tuning

jQuery is a great JavaScript library, but what about its performance? Is the trade-off between ease of use and a performance hit on the Web page worth it? Is there even a performance hit at all? This article answers your jQuery performance questions and offers some tips to improve its performance in your own applications.

Advanced system performance and Garbage Collection tuning concepts

Your system has specific performance settings that you can change to make it handle its workload better. Get every drop of performance out of your Central processing unit (CPU), Memory, Disk (both space and access speed), your Network throughput and JVM garbage collection with these performance tunning tips.


Simple Xalan extension functions: Mixing Java with XSLT

The Xalan XSLT processor can invoke almost any method in almost any Java class in the classpath. Doing so can improve performance, provide features like trigonometric functions that aren't available in XSLT, perform file I/O, talk to databases and network servers, or implement algorithms that are easy to write in the Java language but hard to write in XSLT. Learn the basics of invoking Java code from Xalan.

solrac's TAGS related to tag performance

aix +   and +   file systems +   ganglia +   HCP +   hpc +   j2ee +   java +   jconsole +   jQuery +   kvm +   libvirt +   linux +   monitoring +   otc +   profiling +   programming +   security +   solaris +   tunning +   unix +   virtualization +   visualvm +   web apps +   web development +   with +   xen +   xml +   xslt +