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PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags api & kernel

07 April 2010 19:45

Kernel APIs, Part 3: Timers and lists in the 2.6 kernel

The Linux® kernel includes a variety of APIs intended to help developers build simpler and more efficient driver and kernel applications. Two of the more common APIs that can be used for work deferral are the list management and timer APIs. Discover these APIs, and learn how to develop kernel applications with timers and lists.

Kernel APIs, Part 2: Deferrable functions, kernel tasklets, and work queues

For high-frequency threaded operations, the Linux® kernel provides tasklets and work queues. Tasklets and work queues implement deferrable functionality and replace the older bottom-half mechanism for drivers. This article explores the use of tasklets and work queues in the kernel and shows you how to build deferrable functions with these APIs.

Kernel APIs, Part 1: Invoking user-space applications from the kernel

The Linux® system call interface permits user-space applications to invoke functionality in the kernel, but what about invoking user-space applications from the kernel? Explore the usermode-helper API, and learn how to invoke user-space applications and manipulate their output.

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