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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags typography & blog



Buy fonts at FontShop, host them on Typekit « The Typekit Blog

It’s hard to believe that it has only been three months since we launched Typekit — so much has happened in the webfont world in such a short time. We’ve been inspired recently by beautiful redesigns, increasingly sophisticated browser support, and many more foundries choosing to embrace @font-face.

Web Open Font Format for Firefox 3.6 ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog

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This article was written by John Daggett. John is a Mozilla contributor and has been working hard with font creators and web developers to improve the state of fonts on the web. This article is a high-level overview of whats different and shows some examples of WOFF in use. A full list of other supporting organizations can be found at the official Mozilla Blog.

The League’s Typelog

The League’s Typelog is a place where people and ideas come together. We collect different ideas and type projects, not only to inspire people, but to spark collaborations among type-enthusiasts everywhere.


Cozy Lummox

Eric Skillman: I'm a Brooklyn-based graphic designer, mostly making DVDs at my day job with The Criterion Collection, though I try my hand at books and such occasionally.


The Style Press

Predominant daily news on fashion, art, design and pop culture


Nick Sherman

am Nick Sherman. I am a 24-year-old designer, musician, and skateboarder. I grew up on Cape Cod and now live in Boston. I graduated from the Massachusetts College of Art, and am currently working for Bitstream Inc /


Typographica. A Journal of Typography.

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Typographica is a journal of typography featuring news, observations, and open commentary on fonts and typographic design.

Information Architects Japan » Blog Archive » Web Design is 95% Typography (1)

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95% of the information on the web is written language. It is only logical to say that a web designer should get good training in the main discipline of shaping written information, in other words: Typography.

spiekerblog | scroll down all the way!

Erik Spiekermann is information architect, type designer (ff Meta, itc Officina, ff Info, ff Unit, LoType, Berliner Grotesk et al) and author. He was founder (1979) of MetaDesign, Germany’s largest design firm with offices in Berlin, London and San Francisco. In 1988 he started FontShop. He holds an honorary professorship at the Academy of Arts in Bremen, is board member of ATypI and the German Design Council, and president of the istd International Society of Typographic Designers. In July 2000, Erik left MetaDesign Berlin. He now lives and works in Berlin, London and San Francisco, designing publications, complex design systems and more typefaces.

design et typo

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le Blog de Peter Gabor de typogabor

Jensen Harris: An Office User Interface Blog : Fonts

Last month, I introduced Segoe UI, the new user interface font for Office 12 and Windows Vista. Of course, you spend most of your time in Office not looking at the user interface, but working with documents. Times New Roman has been Word's default font since Word 6.0 introduced support for TrueType fonts. Although there are numerous other options available, most documents today are produced in Times New Roman, Arial, or more recently the Web-friendly choice Verdana.



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The Free Font Blog. Your guide to the best free fonts on the web.