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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags php & webdev


Building Semantic Web CRUD operations using PHP

by 1 other
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations are the most basic database operations, but they are also the most crucial. CRUD operations are typically done using the Structured Query Language (SQL) on relational database systems. As the Web is becoming more and more data-oriented, there is a need to shift from SQL-based CRUD operations to Semantic Web-based CRUD operations. Learn how to use PHP to perform CRUD operations over the Semantic Web.

Easy RDF and SPARQL for LAMP systems - ARC RDF Classes for PHP

by 2 others (via)
ARC is a flexible RDF system for semantic web and PHP practitioners. It's free, open-source, easy to use, and runs in most web server environments.

Something Witty Goes Here » Blog Archive » New XHTML SVG Theme

had to add a little catch in my PHP content negotiation code to force application/xhtml xml when I want to. Anyway, the PHP content negotiation code looks like this:



The Xaja Machine (we will call it Xaja to makes things simpler) is a PHP framework that enables the developer to access the most advanced Web 2.0 features very easily. Xaja is a Reverse Ajax framework, therefore, it enables the server to push data directly to the client. Your applications will become more responsive. Using Xaja, it becomes easy to build applications that need real time data to be send to the user (think about chat program or GMail!).

symfony Web PHP framework

by 76 others (via)
Based on the best practices of web development, thoroughly tried on several active websites, symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure.

Using open source software to design, develop, and deploy a collaborative Web site, Part 13: PHP development within Eclipse

by 7 others
Follow along in this series of articles as the IBM® Internet Technology Group designs, develops, and deploys an extranet Web site for a fictitious company, International Business Council (IBC), using a suite of freely available software. In this article, explore how to use the Eclipse integrated development environment to create your Web site, with a focus on Eclipse's support for PHP and using Concurrent Versions System (CVS) for version control.

Le blog de Breek - Le comparatif de Rails, Django et CakePHP

by 2 others (via)
Choisir un framework peut être une tâche difficile ! Pour vous aider dans votre choix, nous avons effectué un benchmark fonctionnel couvrant Django, Ruby on Rails, CakePHP.

Welcome to OpenID Enabled! — OpenID Enabled

by 6 others (via)
From the developers of the Python-OpenID library and (where you can get an OpenID for free -- you can also choose from a number of other OpenID providers) this is a website by OpenID developers, for OpenID developers.

Welcome To CodeDread 1.1

This PHP file allows you to embed an SVG document into your HTML web pages with a single PHP function call. This avoids the inconsistencies across various deployment configurations (for example IE ASV only like embed, Firefox/Opera like object. Instructions for use are included in the file.


Use PHP and XSL to create a DHTML link graph

In this tutorial, you learn to build a link graph with XML, PHP, and JavaScript code. Link graphs are paragraphs of keywords in which the size of each word depends on some data value -- in this case, the frequency of the term. The more often the term occurs, the larger the font size of the word. This tutorial shows how to build an RSS parser that in turn builds a keyword list along with the word frequencies. It also demonstrates how to use XSLT to create an HTML page that shows the link graph and relates its term to its original article.

Articles :: Rails-inspired PHP frameworks |

by 3 others (via)
There are various articles online examining many PHP frameworks, providing short reviews or comparative charts, but I could not find yet an article examining the so called “Rails-inspired frameworks” anywhere on the web, so I decided to write my own…

pxxo:tutorial:helloworld [Wiki Zeitoun]

Ce tutorial s’adresse aux développeurs désireux de comprendre comment programmer eux même des composants pxxo.