by 7 othersWe make writing online work for groups. In just a few seconds, get your own account where you can upload documents, share with other people, chat, assign tasks, and track everybody's actions with a comprehensive history.
odtPHP - Génération de documents OpenOffice en PHP
by 5 othersOdtPHP est une bibliothèque orientée objet pour PHP 5+. Elle permet de générer automatiquement des documents OpenOffice textes à partir de modèles. Vous pouvez l'utiliser directement au sein de vos scripts PHP sans installer OpenOffice.
ODT2XHTML - THE class PHP5 to convert yours files ODT in files (X)HTML - ODT 2 XHTML!
(via)Odt2Xhtml - Odt to Xhtml - is a class PHP, version 5. She's purposed to transform files in format ODT to files (x)html, to make easier the publication on Internet, and/or the integration on content management system.
ajaxPresents - ajax13 - Welcome to ajax13
by 2 others (via)ajaxPresents is a web-based presentation editor that lets you read, edit and save Microsoft Power Point files (.ppt) as well as Open Standard Presentation files (.odp).
By simply pointing your Firefox browser to www.ajaxpresents.com, you can instantly view and edit presentations without having to install expensive software on your computer.
GetOpenOffice.org: OpenOffice Training and StarOffice Training
GetOpenOffice.org believes that OpenOffice.org is the best choice not only for office software but to change the world through more and better access to computers and services. (The Freedom Toaster and $100 Laptop are examples.) To help achieve this goal, we provide discounts on training materials, including bulk discounts, especially for education and site licenses for "all you can eat" onsite printing.
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