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PUBLIC MARKS from julie with tags google & analytics




Google Analytics Plugins, Hacks and Tips Collection | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog

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Google Analytics provides some great information about what is happening on your website. But what if you want to take it to the next level? Thanks to the many smart people who have created these wonderful hacks and plugins to get you some powerful additions to Google Analytics. Please note most of these need the truly awesome GreaseMonkey FireFox extension.

Google AdWords: Centre de formation

Évaluation de pages, de contenu et de regroupements de mots clés particuliers

SiteScan By EpikOne - A Google Analytics Help, Setup, and Configuration Tool

by 1 other

SiteScan is a Google Analytics Diagnostic tool designed to provide you with a complete audit of your Google Analytics setup. SiteScan is a free way to ensure that your Google Analytics is configured properly on your website.

Advanced Web Metrics by Brian Clifton » Blog Archive » Tracking links to direct downloads - Automatically

Following on from my previous post Tracking banners and other outgoing links automatically, this GA hack allows you to track downloads automatically. As you may know, tracking download files such as PDF, EXE, DOC and XLS can be achieved quite easily with the modification of the link to include an urchinTracker call to log a virtual pageview. However, as for tracking outgoing links, manually modifying each download link becomes inefficient when there are large numbers of ever changing files to track. You can overcome this by applying the JavaScript code below: