Goto+Play // Portlands Creative Community
Accessibility: FLVPlayback skins with Captionate captioning support
(via)Providing captions in Flash just got easier. Adobe is making skins for the FLVPlayback component available for use. The skins were crated by Michael Jordan and are being provided by Adobe for developers to use.
Captionate - Downloads
Rich Media Project XML Export Library is a plug-in for Captionate that adds support for exporting caption data in a format compatible with Rich Media Project players.
swffit - Smart Flash Resize Script
by 4 othersswffit (formerly know as FitFlash) is a smart script that resizes your flash movie automatically if your browser window size is smaller or greater than your flash minimum desired size keeping it accessible independent of screen resolution.
Pratique d’ActionScript 3 » Blog Archive » Bienvenue !
(via)Bienvenue ! March 3, 2008 – 11:56 am Ouverture et mise en ligne de l’ouvrage “Pratique d’ActionScript 3″ le 21 Avril 2008 !
SWFObject_2_0_documentation - swfobject - Google Code
by 5 othersSWFObject_2_0_documentation Embedding Adobe Flash Player content using SWFObject 2.0
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Du Flash dans l'iPhone | SVM Mac
Steve Jobs ne veut pas implémenter la technologie Flash dans l'iPhone, qu'à cela tienne, c'est Adobe qui s'en chargera. Le chef exécutif de l'éditeur déclare qu'Adobe compte développer un lecteur Flash grâce au kit de développement d'Apple. Adobe compte néanmoins sur l'aide de Cupertino.
NCAM/CC for Flash
by 1 otherNCAM has developed a Flash component that can be used to display captions of Flash video and audio content. These captions are stored in external files formatted in the W3C's DFXP format which can be created with MAGpie, NCAM's free captioning application. CC for Flash can also display captions saved in Apple's QTtext format. QTtext files can be created by professional caption authoring tools, with MAGpie or with CaptionKeeper, NCAM's line-21 caption-conversion tool.
Flash Decompiler for Mac, SWF to FLA Converter, Flash Converter
by 3 othersFlash Decompiler Trillix for Mac