public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jessiebg with tags "pop culture" & students

June 2007

Semester has been over, yet I still need a way to archive the students' blogs!

Anyone? Help with archiving my Spring 2007 students' blogs would be so amazing! I just need an idea to do it (not looking for storage space, or anything that would require donations :o) so I don't wind up manually copying and pasting everything they did...and I'd also like to be able to archive the blogs as they were created (i.e. the feed reader isn't an option because it won't preserve the layout or widgets that were added by the students). Thanks! Jessie

Semester has been over, yet I still need a way to archive the students' blogs!

Anyone? Help with archiving my Spring 2007 students' blogs would be so amazing! I just need an idea to do it (not looking for storage space, or anything that would require donations :o) so I don't wind up manually copying and pasting everything they did...and I'd also like to be able to archive the blogs as they were created (i.e. the feed reader isn't an option because it won't preserve the layout or widgets that were added by the students). Thanks! Jessie

April 2007

Final Blog Post Assignment

See “Options for Final Blog Posts” to choose your focus before writing this final post assignment. Make sure that the focus you've chosen can be clearly analyzed in relation to your blogs topic Read the comments that your blog buddy wrote for you before beginning this assignment Your chosen focus should be conducive to a "final wrap up" for your blog and its topic Posts must cite a course reading that is from a source you haven't yet used in a previous blog post Posts can be a bit longer than previous posts; however, keep it focused on your thesis (your argument will be about your topic in relation to your focus) and keep the length at 8 paragraphs or less Each Paragraph must be related to your argument and support that argument (remember the 1st post when I gave you the simple guide to analysis via the SOCS assessment?) If you are concerned about how to make this assignment meet the requirements, please see the "Guide to the Blog Post" resource I created. It covers the thesis, relating paragraphs to the thesis, contextualizing quotes, using the appropriate quote/source, how to integrate them, and also includes a visual diagram for your post (helpful if you’re a more visual learner). Reminder: Office hours are after class in Bliss 117 on Monday from the end of class until 12:30 or 1:00 pm (set up an appointment if you have a class that meets directly after GPC if you’d like to meet with me at a different time/day)

Guest Contributors-The Page Where We Thank Commenters by Linking to Their Blogs- Blogging In College: The Gender & Pop Culture Blog Experiment

Links to the blogs and sites of those who have graciously volunteered time and thought to students in Gender & Pop Culture by posting comments on the students' blogs. Thank you!

A Professor Page- Blogging In College: The Gender & Pop Culture Blog Experiment

Jessie needs her own space to impart her wisdom (or use as an impromptu soapbox, rant, ramble, eh hem...); therefore, I used my super-professor powers to create my own blog (they're actually super-duper).