public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jessiebg with tags "Google Blog" & gender

June 2007

Semester has been over, yet I still need a way to archive the students' blogs!

Anyone? Help with archiving my Spring 2007 students' blogs would be so amazing! I just need an idea to do it (not looking for storage space, or anything that would require donations :o) so I don't wind up manually copying and pasting everything they did...and I'd also like to be able to archive the blogs as they were created (i.e. the feed reader isn't an option because it won't preserve the layout or widgets that were added by the students). Thanks! Jessie

Semester has been over, yet I still need a way to archive the students' blogs!

Anyone? Help with archiving my Spring 2007 students' blogs would be so amazing! I just need an idea to do it (not looking for storage space, or anything that would require donations :o) so I don't wind up manually copying and pasting everything they did...and I'd also like to be able to archive the blogs as they were created (i.e. the feed reader isn't an option because it won't preserve the layout or widgets that were added by the students). Thanks! Jessie

April 2007

genderandpopculture - Blogging in College: The Gender & Pop Culture Blog Experiment

The website companion to the blog experiment in Gender & Popular Culture See the primary course blog: Blogging in College: The Gender & Pop Culture Blog Experiment