29 January 2006
The blog of Tobin: Windows Ruby On Rails IDEs and Text Editors
(via)Since I personally chose M$ Windows as my developmetn platform, so was interested to read about the comments left by other Windows users who have their own favourite editors. For your pleasure, here's a summary of those Windows editors.
Softies On Rails
So, we are a couple of Microsoft developers (MCSD's) that have each been working with Microsoft technologies (most recently C#, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, XML Web Services, you know) for a decade. A couple of months ago, just for fun, we decided to give Ruby On Rails a try, on a couple of side projects. (After all, what self-respecting software developer doesn't have side projects?) We hope you'll find this helpful, and comments, suggestions, and you own articles are always welcome!
27 January 2006
(3 marks)