public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tag ruby

September 2007


Redmine est une application web, solution flexible de gestion de projet, utilisant un framework Ruby on Rails.

June 2007

February 2007 - Essential web tools in one place

by 7 others
# CSS # Javascript # Ajax # PHP # Ruby # Flash # CMS # Inspiration

by 48 others
...the most comprehensive API collection on the web : HTML Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) JavaScript / HTML DOM AJAX and Frameworks XML C/C++ PHP Ruby / Rails Python Perl Macromedia Groovy Drupal CMS Flickr Prolog Databases (MySQL at - PostgreSQL at - Oracle9i - Oracle10g) Java Java2ME Apache Ant

January 2007

Fork JavaScript

by 4 others
Fork is a a general purpose, namespaced JavaScript library with Ajax, Events, DOM manipulation. There are a few bonus lines of code specifically for use with Ruby on Rails but Fork can be happily used outside of Rails also.

December 2006

Code Snippets

by 48 others
Snippets is a public source code repository. Easily build up your personal collection of code snippets, categorize them with tags and share them with the world.

November 2006

Yahoo! Developer Network Home - Welcome!

by 16 others
# JavaScript Developer Center # Flash Developer Center # .NET Developer Center # PHP Developer Center # Python Developer Center # Ruby Developer Center

October 2006

Dave Naffis : Ruby on Rails, Ajax & CSS Star Rating System

by 2 others
I’m sure everyone by now has seen those oh-so-Web 2.0 star rating features on hundreds of websites. Well I needed to implement one for a site I’m working on and I couldn’t find a complete example anywhere (not in RoR). So here it is. A complete Rails based Ajax and CSS star ratings sytem with some RJS thrown in for good measure.

Ruby : les spécificités du langage - JDN Développeurs

by 1 other
La popularité du framework Ruby on Rails pousse le langage Ruby en haut de l'affiche. Démonstration de ce qui le distingue de PHP, Perl et Python - et fait son intérêt.

February 2006

January 2006

Ruby: guide de l'utilisateur

by 1 other (via)
Ruby est un langage orienté objet simple. Il peut paraître un peu déroutant au début, mais il est conçu pour être facilement lu et écrit. Ce guide de l'utilisateur vous aidera à démarrer en ruby, et vous fournira des éléments que vous ne trouverez pas dans le manuel de référence. Version originale japonaise: matz - La présente version est datée 16-02-2001. Traduction française 04-2001

*** [ Documenting the Ruby Language] ***

by 16 others
The Ruby documentation project is an effort by the Ruby community to provide complete and accurate documentation for the Ruby programming language.

FreeRIDE: IDE for the Ruby

This is the home page for FreeRIDE, an IDE for the Ruby programming language. FreeRIDE will run on as many platforms as possible (currently runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X). The goal of FreeRIDE is simple, yet ambitious: to become THE cross-platform IDE of choice for the Ruby community. We want FreeRIDE to be a first-class IDE on par with those available for other languages.

Ruby Scripts Library

Here are the contributions of the Ruby developers of the SketchUp community. Thanks to all the authors. Metrique Page en français: tous les scripts traduits en français et utilisant les unités métriques. Metric English page: All the Ruby scripts in english, using metric units Imperial English page: All the Ruby scripts in english, using imperial units SU2POV page: home of the SketchUp exporter to POV-RAY freeware raytracer Useful Ruby Links page: Several links to great sites where you can learn Ruby

The blog of Tobin: Windows Ruby On Rails IDEs and Text Editors

Since I personally chose M$ Windows as my developmetn platform, so was interested to read about the comments left by other Windows users who have their own favourite editors. For your pleasure, here's a summary of those Windows editors.

Softies On Rails

So, we are a couple of Microsoft developers (MCSD's) that have each been working with Microsoft technologies (most recently C#, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, XML Web Services, you know) for a decade. A couple of months ago, just for fun, we decided to give Ruby On Rails a try, on a couple of side projects. (After all, what self-respecting software developer doesn't have side projects?) We hope you'll find this helpful, and comments, suggestions, and you own articles are always welcome!

Announcement from the Ring Server Project - Ruby

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