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PUBLIC MARKS from bcpbcp with tags web & "blog post"

March 2006

Creating a MySQL connection with PHP/AJAX at John Wiseman

by 5 others (via)
In this tutorial I will explain how to open a mysql database connection using PHP and the all popular AJAX. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how the XMLHttpRequest object works within php and the advantages of using it. This tutorial will be the first in a series of articles leading to the development of a fully functional dynamic web events application.

February 2006

Firefox extensions I couldn't live without - CSS Insider

by 5 others (via)
# Web Developer - The absolute must-have extension for anyone who builds web sites, no matter how small or few and far between. # MeasureIt - No more eyeballing pixel widths! # ColorZilla - I shudder to think back on the huge PITA of getting hex codes for colors before this lovely extension... taking a screenshot, pasting it into Photoshop, using the eyedropper tool... how much time have I saved because of it? (Answer: lots.) # FireBug - As mentioned on The Javascript Weblog; just darn useful. # IE View - All the maddening bugs of IE without actually having to launch the browser. (With the caveat that it doesn't do me much good on my Mac at work, where I don't have IE/Mac installed.) # Live HTTP Headers - Go along for the ride from user interface to server and back, making all local stops. # EditCSS - Modify currently loaded stylesheets. # Cookie Crumbler - Convenient way to quickly clear cookies from a domain. # Clear Cache Button - Another small convenience that makes a big difference.

Design centrado em quê? [ Mercado Web ]

by 1 other
Identifiquei alguns centros comuns e incomuns no Design de Interação, mas deve ficar claro que eles podem acontecer em conjunto e mudar no decorrer do projeto:

January 2006

Canal Web: Eu acredito em Web 2.0

"Mas e como explicar Web 2.0 para um leigo?" Em construção => BETA

Blobs in Games | SRE on web

"Yanick Bourbeau has built a web version of SRE called Imperium Galactica (which also happens to be the name of an older, unrelated game). It's fairly complete and offers a few things SRE did not (like simultaneous play by several players). I've been playing for a few days and it's fun! The game isn't quite balanced yet, but that will take a little bit of time to fine tune. Try it out!"

Ponto Media » O ADN da Web 2.0

O ADN da Web 2.0 A NÃO perder este artigo de Brandon Schauer - Crucial DNA of Web 2.0 - e o .pdf que o acompanha - What put the 2 in Web 2.0? Deixe seu Comentário

November 2005

Web Essentials '05: Bringing a Web conference to the Web, by Jeffrey Veen

"Last week I spoke at Web Essentials '05, an invigorating conference in Sydney, Australia. The folks attending were so engaged and excited"

October 2005

Grand Text Auto » Digital Humanities Quarterly: Call for Scholarly and Creative Work

Digital Humanities Quarterly will publish scholarly articles, editorials, experiments in interactive media, and reviews of books, web sites, new media art, and digital humanities systems.

Official Google Blog: Guess what just turned 34?

by 1 other
It provided a fast and dynamic interface from web browsers everywhere, popularizing the techniques that have since become known as AJAX.

Canal Web: Web 2.0 - O que diabos é isso?

"Bem, Web 2.0 não é uma nova tecnologia, mas sim um termo que descreve um novo paradigma na criação de sites e serviços para a Internet."

Functioning Form - AJAX Dialog Windows

Though we might not be seeing the death of the “page” in Web sites just yet, technologies like AJAX do enable Web-based interface designs to incorporate dynamic functionality within smaller, modular UI elements.

Deep Thoughts at Web 2.0

by 1 other
Our definition of a feed that mattered, out of the millions of blogs and other sites with feeds out there, was one with at least one subscriber on Bloglines.

Reality Panic: Everything Bad is Really, Really Freaking Good!

The book makes a very convincing case for how, indeed, popular media (games, movies, TV, the web, etc) have been increasing in complexity over the years, and how that complexity is making us smarter (ie, higher IQ, better problem solving skills, etc). Certainly, as someone who's written on neuroscience, Johnson has the chops (and data) to back up his claims.

Play The Google Earth Contest

Using Google Earth placemarks and web pages, we've created the world's biggest interactive game.In order to beat the GameMaster, you must follow the clues and utilize the Checkpoint feature to move ahead.Once you've beaten the first GameMaster, you'll advance to the BIG GAME of EARTH CONTEST where you'll compete with other self proclaimed super sleuths for BIG REWARDS!