public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags auto & home

October 2007

Seattle Complete Auto Care at home

Auto & Car Audi Repair Seattle , Honda, Subaru, Toyota Repair Service On average, American motorists insist on two things when taking their car to the repair shop – reasonable prices, and a clear explanation of their repair needs without being talked down to. According to a nationwide survey conducted by National Shopping Service, motorists are more concerned about good customer service and a fair price at the auto shop than with frills or employee imaging.

January 2007

Sell Your House The Easy Way! announced today they are holding a monthly campaign of “BUY YOUR HOUSE THE EASY WAY!”. The Website, a one-stop source for everything you need to make an educated purchase or sale includes useful tools, information, and services to assist buyers and sellers in their house search. Because of the difficulty in getting buyer’s attention, home owners and agents have been trying a number of strategies to get noticed. “Nothing works better than BUY YOUR HOUSE THE EASY WAY! free gift away”, says Clint Cash, founder of “Free gift is great motivator and if we are lucky and get to enough people their checkbooks will follow.” “I think it’s a great idea,” says Clint Cash again. “Anything to get people out here and see the house is fine by me. It’s a shame that more people don’t try creative things.”