public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags webdocumentaire & analyse

September 2014

How interactivty is evolving the documentary

by gregg
The emergence of multimedia interactivity in documentary filmmaking leads us to, once again ask, “What makes a documentary a documentary?” Many people I know gave up on this question a long time ago, settling for the unsatisfyinganswer, “You know it when you see it.”

November 2013

Le Grand Nord (Fort McMoney) - Merlanfrit

by gregg
Une expérience qui ne manque pas d’audace, mais qui à chaud après une soirée de jeu, laisse l’étrange impression de voir un grand film documentaire englué dans un piètre jeu d’aventure.

June 2013

Transmedia Documentaries are Sexy, But Who's Watching?

by gregg & 1 other
The amount of visitors for the NFB's projects has been largely consistent: Over a 4-year period, "High Rise" has received over 500,000 unique viewers, while "Bear 71," launched in January 2012, has received approximately 240,000 unique visitors. Another more-data based project called "Waterlife" has received 1.7 million unique visitors.

Doc | Webdoc : Esquisse d’une filiation… | Le blog documentaire

by gregg
Dans l’idéal, un (web)documentaire produit des émotions, procède par sensation et néglige l’information pure. Il donne à sentir pour comprendre. Il n’explique pas, il raconte. Il n’assène rien, il propose. Il ne donne pas de réponses, il pose des questions.

September 2012

The documentary in the digital world - Future Tense - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

by gregg
Most of us have a stuffy view of what a documentary is, but in a world where we increasingly write and post images about ourselves do we need to re-think that idea? What impact are new technologies having on storytelling? We speak to documentary makers about the role digital tools and multiple platforms are having on their craft. We also explore some of the most cutting edge approaches to what we think of as the documentary.

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last mark : 07/09/2014 13:07