public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags tools & history

2009 - persistent url shortener

by ycc2106
Save a snapshot of current state of a webpage. Peeep takes a snapshot of your page and links to what the page looked like Give links to protected pages normally viewable only by you. You can ask peeep to store a snapshot of page, retrieved using your authentication information. For example you can send your friend a link to a protected Facebook profile or forum topic without sharing your password with them.


Chinese Text Project - 中國哲學書電子化計劃

by somebody_else
Interactive online versions of ancient texts of Chinese philosophy. 提供中國哲學原典的電子版。

A Virtual Library of Useful URLs - Subject Headings Arranged by Dewey

by jlesage
some of the best education Web sites in a Virtual Library arranged by the Dewey Decimal Classification System

Video History Project: Resources - Collections & Distribution Links

by jlesage
documents video art and community television, as it evolved in rural and urban New York State, and across the US

Center for History and New Media

by jlesage & 1 other
extensive site, with resources about historical moments and syllabi, tools for Internet research, and projects undertaken by the Center

Digital Storytelling: A Tutorial in 10 Easy Steps

by jlesage
basic tips by J.D. Lasica on preparing for doing an audio/slideshow in narrative form, perhaps a first person recollection, tightly crafted. Makes a good handout.

Anxious Libraries

by jlesage
wonderfully designed hypertext project on what libraries might mean today, with all those books few people read; a model of a hypertext exploration of an important intellectual topic

Audio slide show: Bluegrass music's man of steel

by jlesage
example of how to incorporate personal history, music, and slides in portrait of dobro player and singer; also shows effectiveness of short, under three minute, audio slide show documentaries.

Kevin Kelly -- Home

by jlesage & 1 other
interesting blogger with a wide variety of categories covered in site

Internet Archive

by jlesage & 35 others
"The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public."


by ycc2106 & 11 others
TAPEFAILURE is a "history recording tool." What this means is that anyone can record a browsing session using TAPEFAILURE's recorder, then save it, and share it with others. Each recorded session can be played back virtually perfectly through our playback tool; as long as you know the tape ID or have a link, you can view your recorded session over and over again.

Active users

last mark : 28/08/2009 12:00

last mark : 27/12/2006 12:22

last mark : 28/11/2006 00:25

last mark : 08/07/2006 13:15

last mark : 21/05/2006 12:03

last mark : 14/05/2006 13:31

last mark : 07/03/2006 02:30

last mark : 08/02/2006 18:26

last mark : 13/01/2006 22:39

last mark : 11/01/2006 00:23