December 2006
[debates] A Concise Lexicon of / for the Digital Commons
by jlesageby Raqs Media Collective / September 2001; keywords not usually used by folks in literature and film, yet they will want to enter the fora where these ideas have a formative influence
November 2006
Writing Demonstrations
by jlesageinteractive demonstrations of Conducting Electronic Searches; useful both for the information contained and as a demo of web design and writing instructional media in a library context; the larger site is a resource for writers.
Video History Project: Resources - Collections & Distribution Links
by jlesagedocuments video art and community television, as it evolved in rural and urban New York State, and across the US
Word Circuits
by jlesage"This is a place for poetry and fiction born to pixels rather than the page--writing that's digital down to its bones." An excellent resource with both online poetry, often Flash poetry, and other links.
Center for History and New Media
by jlesage & 1 otherextensive site, with resources about historical moments and syllabi, tools for Internet research, and projects undertaken by the Center
October 2006
Tech Head Stories
by jlesagebig list of links for many aspects of digital storytelling; regularly updated
"Theses on Distributed Aesthetics" by Anna Munster & Geert Lovink
by jlesageWe live inside fragmented and spatially dispersed networks, and do not just use the computer as part of a network.
July 2006
Center for History and New Media - Syllabi
by jlesage & 1 othersearches 704,039 syllabi at the Center for History and New Media and over 500,000 syllabi via Google
(8 marks)