October 2006
SLM is not SLA
by holyver
The acronyms SLM (service-level management) and SLA (service-level agreement) are not synonymous. SLM, among accomplishing other goals, can help enterprise network managers automatically track how well service providers deliver on their SLAs. And SLAs, really just written contracts, serve as an insurance policy for companies getting Internet, network or application services from an external service provider or carrier.
Template: Internal Service Level Agreement (Short-Form)
by holyver
This template provides a general description of the intent of the service level agreement (SLA) as well as the owners, approval and review process, and a definition of the terms used in the document. Customize this template by filling in all italicized text.
Template: Internal Service Level Agreement
by holyver
This template provides a general description of the intent of the service level agreement(SLA) as well as the owners, approval and review process, and a definition of the terms used in the document. Customize this template by filling in all italicized text.
Le Service Level Agreement ou SLA
by holyver (via)
Le Service Level Agreement ou SLA est une expression anglaise qui peut être traduite par « Accord de Niveau de Service » ou par « Engagement de Service », ou encore plus simplement « Convention de Service ».
Le SLA est le contrat ou la partie du contrat spécifiant l’ensemble des niveaux de services à fournir par le prestataire informatique au(x) client(s). Il s’agit d’un engagement formel et contraignant, établi entre un prestataire et son (ses) client(s).
September 2006
April 2006
(6 marks)