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PUBLIC MARKS with tags rss & rest



Exploring the REST and AtomPub as WS-* Stack Alternatives

by holyver (via)
Kurt Cagle of The Burton Group, explores the "RESTful Stack" as an alternative to WS-* web services and looks at the growing importance of standards and technologies such as Atom, the Atom Publishing Protocol, and XQuery. Presented as part of HR-XML's webinar series. see


TechCrunch en français » 5 manières de mélanger, déformer et réorganiser vos données

by parmentierf & 5 others
Appelez les pipes, teqlos, dapps, modules, mashups ou n’importe quoi d’autre, le fait est que nous avons récemment vu un bon nombre de nouveaux services permettant aux développeurs et aux utilisateurs de construire de petites applications et des mashups pour transformer et ré-utiliser des données. Nous vous présentons dans ce qui suit 5 applications qui permettent de mélanger, déformer et réorganiser vos données, en examinant les données entrantes, sortantes, le support du REST, des suggestions d’utilisation et le niveau de compétence requis

JavaScript Badges and Widgets Considered Harmful

by philippej & 2 others
« For every badge/widget/gadget out there, I'd like to see a discoverable API that allows me to get the same data via a simple REST based API that emits RSS (with extensions where it makes sense). The link to get that data should be rendered on the badge. »


by nhoizey
This paper is about a service bus, a really simple one. What we will describe is a service bus based on RSS, or Really Simple Syndication: a simple protocol for disseminating news on the Internet which has been especially successful in the blogging world. RSS is a basic structure, or protocol for producing information feeds, usually consisting of news headlines. Many people will say that there is nothing enterprise about RSS, and indeed it is often assumed that RSS is too simple to be useful for anything but news.



by michaelmd
nightlife, clubbing, parties, gigs, festivals events listings for many cities worldwide + data feeds, web services, blogs, forums, directory, music reviews & more. Post your public events (its free). You can use the forms, an ical client, or submit your a data feed of your public events or use the rss, ical, hcalendar or javascript feeds to display events for your city and your favourite categories. check for more info about syndication and data feeds. SPRACI has been online and evolving since 1994.


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