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PUBLIC MARKS with tags history & javascript


New JavaScript Engine Module Owner

by marco (via)
The History of JavaScript (in all its unseemly glory) by Brendan Eich


reallysimplehistory - Google Code

by holyver & 1 other (via)
Really Simple History is a lightweight JavaScript library for the management of bookmarking and browser history in Ajax/DHTML applications. RSH serializes application data in an internal JavaScript cache so that bookmarks and the back button can be used to return your application to an earlier state. Originally developed by Brad Neuberg in 2005, RSH has won a large user base for its simplicity, ease of use and lack of dependency on any specific Ajax framework. It's written in plain old JavaScript and can be included on any site according to the terms of its BSD license. In September 2007, Brian Dillard of Pathfinder Development came on board as maintainer and ongoing code steward for the project. A new version, with support for additional modern browsers (IE7, Safari, Opera), was released as RSH 0.6 on December 3, 2007.

How to build a cross-browser history management system - Tales from the Evil Empire

by greut

The main trick that history managers use is to have the browser believe the user navigated to a new url without the current page and all its JavaScript and DOM state being thrown away. The only part of the url that enables such a thing is the hash part. The hash part is what comes at the end of the url after a pound (#) sign. The original intent of this part of the url was to allow for navigation inside of the document. You would put a special named, href-less anchor tag in your document, and then navigating to #nameOfTheAnchor would just scroll the anchor into view. The page doesn't get reloaded, but it does enter the browser history.

YUI Browser History Manager does that for you, but lack of documenting how it works under the hood.


Yahoo! UI Library: Browser History Manager

by maxxyme & 3 others
Experimental component designed to facilitate the creation of web applications in which the navigation buttons are fully functional and in which broad aspects of an application's state — what panels are open, what tabs are active, etc. — can be bookmarked



AJAX: How to Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons

by jackysee & 7 others (via)
使用 Really Simply History Framework 去幫助 Ajax application 製造瀏覽器的 Bookmark 和 History

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