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PUBLIC MARKS with tags entrevista & 2006

05 March 2006

NTSC-uk Features > ABA Games Interview

by bcpbcp
NTSC-uk spoke to ABA Games, the Japan based homebrew Shmup developer (and creators of titles such as Torus Trooper and rRootage) to find out more.

Finalboss - Entrevista com Tetsuya Mizuguchi

by bcpbcp
Tetsuya Mizuguchi, um dos game designers mais prolíficos e divertidos da atualidade, tem em seu currículo muitos games dos gêneros mais variados: Sega Rally, Rez, Space Channel 5, Lumines, Meteos e está prestes a lançar Ninety-Nine Nights, seu primeiro game para um console da próxima geração.

04 March 2006

Gamecloud - - Casual Games Interview: Wildsnake Software

by bcpbcp (via)
Formed by former members of Microsoft, Wildsnake Software has released a number of casual games over the years but later this year they will also be the exclusive publisher for new games created by Tetris creator Alexey Pajitnov. Gamecloud got a chance to chat with Wildsnake co-founder "Andy" (he prefers to be called that in interviews) to find out more about the company and future plans.

Gamers With Jobs Press Pass » Blog Archive » Interview with “Geometry Wars” Creator, Stephen Cakebread

by bcpbcp (via)
Geometry Wars has been hailed as the “Halo of Xbox Live Arcade” referring to the relative popularity of the game. Intoxicating, frustrating and addictive all in one, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved provides a constant challenge and level of enjoyment, a siren song to gamers enticing them to play just one more game before hitting the sack. More than 200 thousand gamers, roughly a quarter of which actually paid, are currently wearing out their thumbs and roundly cursing one man, whether they know his name or not. That man is Stephen Cakebread, the designer and developer who crafted this gem for Bizarre Creations.

18 February 2006

AntiFactory: Kenta Cho

by bcpbcp
Kenta Cho is the sole member of [ABA Games]? the maker of very well regarded indie shoot 'em ups. You may have seen them passed around the office: rRootage, [Tumiki Fighters]?, [Torus Troopers]?.

11 February 2006

Excesso de realismo deixa o jogo chato [ Podcast ]

by bcpbcp (via)
Professor de level-design afirma que games estão deixando de ser games e passando a ser meros simuladores.

Next Generation - Garriott

by bcpbcp
Next Generation’s N. Evan Van Zelfden sits down with NCsoft North America president Robert Garriott and his brother Richard "Lord British" Garriott to talk about their upcoming DICE Summit session, "Why You Never Want to Work for Your Brother."

05 February 2006

Raph Koster's Home Page | Making the AAA Title: Letters from the Trenches

by bcpbcp
Dan Arey gave a talk at GDC 2005 on developing AAA games, and interviewed several designers for it. The actual interview was quite long, and I skipped many of the questions... but here's the answers to the ones that I did respond to. You can comment here on the blog if you like.

John Cook's Venture Blog - A moment with David Roberts of PopCap Games

by bcpbcp (via)
At 44 years old, PopCap Games Chief Executive David Roberts likes to joke that he is "the adult supervision" at the Seattle computer game maker.

21 January 2006

GameDAILY: Porn Stars Love Video Games

by bcpbcp
"Most times when I see an interview on a game website all I can think is, "What a load of crap"! It's not that the information is bad per se, but videogame magazines and websites are content to interview the same damn people year after year and they always say the same things. Like, I get it. I know that most NFL players carry copies of Madden NFL 06 with them like drunks carry flasks. I get it. I'm aware that Brooke Burke just loves Need for Speed, but only because she's practically married to Electronic Arts. "

GameCultura: Atrizes pornôs também jogam videogames

by bcpbcp
Um repórter espertinho foi em uma feira de filmes pornô, entrevistou as celebridades do meio (sobre videogames, claro), e colocou as fotos das entrevistadas, vestidas para trabalhar.

Gamasutra - Interview - "Rodney Greenblat, The Mother Of Sony's Almost Mario"

by bcpbcp (via)
Ten years ago, Sony brought three dimensions, as well as the concept of "maturity", to the video gaming masses. And yet, when many people think back to the "PlayStation era", a hyper realistic character in a 3D landscape doesn't necessarily come to mind. Instead, they think of a flat cartoony dog that could rap.

18 January 2006

Game Tycoon » Guitar Hero: Interview with Greg LoPiccolo (Harmonix)

by bcpbcp (via)
"I recently chatted with Greg LoPiccolo, VP of Product Development for Harmonix and one of the brains behind Guitar Hero, an innovative game with great reviews.;"

16 January 2006

Projetista do NES diz que jogos de hoje roubam sonhos das crianças - 05/12/2005 - UOL Jogos

by bcpbcp
O atual conselheiro da Nintendo e professor-titular da universidade Ritsusmei, Masayuki Uemura, disse na Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference 2005, realizada no próprio instituto de ensino, que a missão da Nintendo é manter os videogames como o "brinquedo dos sonhos" das crianças.

Fundador da Atari critica atual indústria de games e elogia Nintendo - 05/12/2005 - UOL Jogos - UOL Jogos

by bcpbcp
Durante a Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference 2005, um simpósio internacional de games que se realizou na universidade Ritsumei, no Japão, Nolan Bushnell, fundador da Atari - comprado pela antiga Infogrames - e "pai" dos videogames, falou sobre a história da indústria, criticou o momento atual do mercado de games e elogiou a Nintendo.

Entrevista: gerente do Xbox 360 nos EUA, Bruno Silva fala do dia a dia da Microsoft - 03/10/2005 - UOL Jogos

by bcpbcp
A Microsoft sequer pensava em investir na indústria de consoles e ele já estava lá, trabalhando na divisão de jogos da gigante que hoje concorre com Nintendo e Sony pela supremacia dos videogames, e que prepare-se para o lançamento do Xbox 360 em novembro.

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last mark : 05/03/2006 01:50