March 2006
Finalboss - Entrevista com Tetsuya Mizuguchi
by bcpbcpTetsuya Mizuguchi, um dos game designers mais prolíficos e divertidos da atualidade, tem em seu currículo muitos games dos gêneros mais variados: Sega Rally, Rez, Space Channel 5, Lumines, Meteos e está prestes a lançar Ninety-Nine Nights, seu primeiro game para um console da próxima geração.
Gamers With Jobs Press Pass » Blog Archive » Interview with “Geometry Wars” Creator, Stephen Cakebread
by bcpbcp (via)Geometry Wars has been hailed as the “Halo of Xbox Live Arcade” referring to the relative popularity of the game. Intoxicating, frustrating and addictive all in one, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved provides a constant challenge and level of enjoyment, a siren song to gamers enticing them to play just one more game before hitting the sack. More than 200 thousand gamers, roughly a quarter of which actually paid, are currently wearing out their thumbs and roundly cursing one man, whether they know his name or not. That man is Stephen Cakebread, the designer and developer who crafted this gem for Bizarre Creations.
February 2006
John Cook's Venture Blog - A moment with David Roberts of PopCap Games
by bcpbcp (via)At 44 years old, PopCap Games Chief Executive David Roberts likes to joke that he is "the adult supervision" at the Seattle computer game maker.
January 2006
Game Tycoon » Guitar Hero: Interview with Greg LoPiccolo (Harmonix)
by bcpbcp (via)"I recently chatted with Greg LoPiccolo, VP of Product Development for Harmonix and one of the brains behind Guitar Hero, an innovative game with great reviews.;"
Entre o Start e o Game Over. Tudo sobre o mercado de Games, por Pedro Giglio [Carreira Solo], Webdesign, Propaganda, Gráficas, Photoshop, Macromedia, DreamWeaver, Flash Templates, Escritório Virtual, Monitores Tela Plana, Tablets, iPod, CyberShot, está
by bcpbcpjornalista especializado em Games, do site FinalBoss
November 2005
Are you serious? from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog
by bcpbcp"Last week gamesblog covered Persuasive Games' latest release Airport Insecurity, "a game about inconvenience and the tradeoffs between security and rights in American airports". I grabbed Ian Bogost, one half of the company (and one-half of the blog watercoolergames) to explain exactly what he means by "serious games"."
Coluna Games - JB Online
by bcpbcpO criador do game do Mensal�o, em entrevista ao JB Online, conta como come�ou a desenvolver jogos. Comenta ainda sobre as dificuldades do mercado nacional e aponta caminhos para os que querem iniciar esta carreira.
Video Game Media Watch — The Video Game Journalism Review » Interview: Smatbomb Co-Author Heather Chaplin
by bcpbcp“Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution“ is the first book from husband-and-wife team Heather Chaplin and Aaron Ruby. Chaplin, a journalist whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Fortune and Salon, agreed to answer some questions about the writing process for us.
(8 marks)