Drupalcamp Pakistan: Automating Drupal Deployment | Drupal Developer | Dominique De Cooman
by holyverThe goal of automating deployment is to make introducing new features easier. In this post we will learn how to set up a workflow that will move code and configuration of your drupal site from your local development station, to development, to staging and to production all by a using your version control and a push of a button.
Drupal And Linux, A Deployment Script | Drupaler | Drupal Blog, Collaborative Drupal Resource
by claire_Drupal And Linux, A Deployment Script
Drupal Migraine
by Xavier LacotDrupal smells like hell. For instance, it is notnatively possible to develop freely on a test site while still allowing content updates to continue on a production site. This small script allows you to maintain separate test and production versions of your Drupal site. After you've made configuration changes on the test site, this script can migrate them to the production site for you.
However, I'll pray while testing it :-)
(3 marks)