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XEN Cluster HowTo

by camel
I have tried to run both Debian Etch and Ubuntu 8.04 Server on the cluster nodes, in Dom0. I started my tests with Debian, but I had some issues with slow samba performance in one VM that I couldn't fix so I decided to try Ubuntu Server, for the first time. Both installation went OK, the main difference was that I used mainly source code in Debian, but only packages in Ubuntu. I actually ran into more problems with Ubuntu due to some early bugs in the 8.04 release, will describe them below as I go along. And I have still to prove that running this setup in Ubuntu is stable.

smtp-delay plug-in for qmail

by camel
smtp-delay is an add-on/plug-in intended for use with qmail. It was written primarily to add banner delays and antipipelining to qmail. These two features are known to be able to block certain types of spam and virus mail sent through non-rfc-compliant SMTP engines. When I looked around for programs to add this functionality to qmail, I found only one such program, and didn't like the way it was done. BTW...I have the same objections to the way its done in sendmail 8.13.x. Since banner delays (the server pausing for some time before issuing an SMTP banner) cause every SMTP connection to take longer, I thought it would be a good idea to somehow exempt "legitimate" mail servers...or at least not subject them to long banner delays. So I decided to tune the banner delay time based on the connecting IP's reverse DNS. IPs with no rDNS get treated the worst (longest banner delay). IPs with rDNS matching a regex intended to detect dynamic/end-user IPs get a moderate delay. All other IPs get a very short banner delay...just long enough to see if they immediately pipeline (send SMTP commands before the banner's been sent). The original intent for smtp-delay was that it should be run before rblsmtpd, and simply set the RBLSMTPD environment variable if applicable, letting rblsmtpd issue the 4xx response. Pretty early on, I realized smtp-delay should be able to run standalone (without dependence on rblsmtpd to do its talking) and issue a 4xx response on its own. Lately, the spam load against our mail cluster has gotten so bad that I've started running smtp-delay after rblsmtpd, based on the idea that there's no point waiting out a long banner delay holding an open socket to an IP we have no intention of accepting mail from anyway. This reduced our concurrency by about 20%.

OpenNebula :: about

by camel
OpenNebula transforms a physical cluster into a flexible virtual infrastructure which dynamically adapts to the changing demands of a service workload. OpenNebula leverages existing virtualization platforms to create a new virtualization layer between the service and the physical infrastructure. This new layer supports the execution of the services on a physical cluster, extending the benefits of VMMs (Virtual Machine Monitors) from a single physical resource to a cluster of resources. OpenNebula effectively decouples a server (deployed as a pre-configured VM) not only from the physical infrastructure but also from its physical location.

How To Set Up A Loadbalanced High-Availability Apache Cluster Based On Ubuntu 8.04 LTS | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
This tutorial shows how to set up a two-node Apache web server cluster that provides high-availability. In front of the Apache cluster we create a load balancer that splits up incoming requests between the two Apache nodes. Because we do not want the load balancer to become another "Single Point Of Failure", we must provide high-availability for the load balancer, too. Therefore our load balancer will in fact consist out of two load balancer nodes that monitor each other using heartbeat, and if one load balancer fails, the other takes over silently.

scalr - Google Code

by camel & 3 others
Scalr is a fully redundant, self-curing and self-scaling hosting environment utilizing Amazon's EC2. It allows you to create server farms through a web-based interface using prebuilt AMI's for load balancers (pound or nginx), app servers (apache, others), databases (mysql master-slave, others), and a generic AMI to build on top of. The health of the farm is continuously monitored and maintained. When the Load Average on a type of node goes above a configurable threshold a new node is inserted into the farm to spread the load and the cluster is reconfigured. When a node crashes a new machine of that type is inserted into the farm to replace it. 4 AMI's are provided for load balancers, mysql databases, application servers, and a generic base image to customize. Scalr allows you to further customize each image, bundle the image and use that for future nodes that are inserted into the farm. You can make changes to one machine and use that for a specific type of node. New machines of this type will be brought online to meet current levels and the old machines are terminated one by one. The project is still very young, but we're hoping that by open sourcing it the AWS development community can turn this into a robust hosting platform and give users an alternative to the current fee based services available.

Loadbalanced High-Availability Apache Cluster Using Ultramonkey

by camel
how to set up a two-node Apache web server cluster that provides high-availability. In front of the Apache cluster we create a load balancer that splits up incoming requests between the two Apache nodes. Because we do not want the load balancer to become another "Single Point Of Failure", we must provide high-availability for the load balancer, too. Therefore our load balancer will in fact consist out of two load balancer nodes that monitor each other using heartbeat, and if one load balancer fails, the other takes over silently.

Xen-AoE —

by camel
Xen-AoE is a cluster server architecture which provides more efficient use of cpu, disk, and memory resources than traditional servers while providing zero single points of failure ensuring high availability and greater server maintainability. It does this through the use of server virtualization, utilization of SAN technologies, decoupling of disk from cpu, and taking advantage of commodity hardware such as x86 cpu's and readily available gigabit ethernet infrastructure. Xen-AoE can save your business money by better utilizing hardware resources, simplifying management, and decreasing losses due to downtime.


ganeti - Google Code

by camel & 1 other
Ganeti is a virtual server management software tool built on top of Xen virtual machine monitor and other Open Source software. However, Ganeti requires pre-installed virtualization software on your servers in order to function. Once installed, the tool will take over the management part of the virtual instances (Xen DomU), e.g. disk creation management, operating system installation for these instances (in co-operation with OS-specific install scripts), and startup, shutdown, failover between physical systems. It has been designed to facilitate cluster management of virtual servers and to provide fast and simple recovery after physical failures using commodity hardware.

ssh on multiple servers Using cluster ssh -- Debian Admin

by camel
Ever had to make the same change on more than one Linux/unix server? Find it annoyingly painful to keep repeating the exact same commands again and again and again? This tool addresses exactly this problem. You run a utility (cssh) providing a number of server names as parameters, and then xterms opens up to each server with an extra “console” window. Anything typed into the console is replicated into each server window (so, for examples, you can edit the same file on N machines at the same time, or run the same commands with the same parameters across those servers). It is also possible to type into the server windows directly, or temporarily disable replication to one or more of the servers through the “Hosts” menu.


Cluster Architectures

by holyver (via)
This following sections describe alternative architectures for a WebLogic Server cluster: * Architectural and Cluster Terminology * Recommended Basic Architecture * Recommended Multi-Tier Architecture * Recommended Proxy Architectures * Security Options for Cluster Architectures

Setting Up A Highly Available NFS Server | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by holyver
In this tutorial I will describe how to set up a highly available NFS server that can be used as storage solution for other high-availability services like, for example, a cluster of web servers that are being loadbalanced. If you have a web server cluster with two or more nodes that serve the same web site(s), than these nodes must access the same pool of data so that every node serves the same data, no matter if the loadbalancer directs the user to node 1 or node n. This can be achieved with an NFS share on an NFS server that all web server nodes (the NFS clients) can access.

Consolidation and virtualization: The same, but different

by holyver
Many IT administrators have discovered that there is overlap between consolidation and virtualization, and they are wondering how they should reconcile these two techniques in datacenter environments. Virtualization tools such as partitions, virtual machines, and resource management software all enable multiple dominant workloads to run simultaneously on larger servers, which is typically a key aspect of consolidation. But virtualization also offers far-reaching opportunities for administrators to fundamentally transform the operations in their datacenters.

How To Set Up A Loadbalanced High-Availability Apache Cluster | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 3 others (via)
This tutorial shows how to set up a two-node Apache web server cluster that provides high-availability. In front of the Apache cluster we create a load balancer that splits up incoming requests between the two Apache nodes. Because we do not want the load balancer to become another "Single Point Of Failure", we must provide high-availability for the load balancer, too. Therefore our load balancer will in fact consist out of two load balancer nodes that monitor each other using heartbeat, and if one load balancer fails, the other takes over silently

Peeking Into Google

by dcancel & 3 others
The key to the speed and reliability of Google search is cutting up data into chunks, its top engineer said. Urs Hoelzle, Google vice president of operations and vice president of engineering, offered a rare behind-the-scenes tour of Google's architecture

The Linux Virtual Server Project - Linux Server Cluster for Load Balancing

by dcancel & 4 others
The Linux Virtual Server is a highly scalable and highly available server built on a cluster of real servers, with the load balancer running on the Linux operating system.


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